Thursday, September 22, 2011

Obama Silent While Georgia Murders Troy Davis

The State of Georgia, after imprisoning him for a quarter century under a death sentence, has pulled the trigger and murdered Troy Davis, an obviously innocent man. (His innocence was so obvious that establishment grandees like former President Jimmy Carter, former FBI secret police boss William Sessions, and former arch-reactionary Congressman Bob Barr had taken up Davis’ cause.) The word “murder” is the correct word, because murder is morally wrongful killing.

Not satisfied with murdering an innocent man, the State tried to hold him incommunicado, blocking media contacts with him, and cruelly denying him physical contact with his own family. Shamefully, the current local DA is a black man, yet this modern day Stepin Fetchit bent over backwards to display his fealty to the white racist establishment by pushing all-out for the execution, opposing his appeals and even clemency by the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles.

Ironically, the actual killer is a black criminal. You’d think the Georgians could have satisfied their racist lust for blood revenge for the killing of an off-duty white cop by punishing the actual culprit. But apparently even a quarter century later, they’re too proud to admit to incompetence (or worse, venality).

The original frame-up proceeded in the usual manner, with police coercing and threatening “witnesses” to sing their assigned solos at the “trial.” Seven of them subsequently recanted, at least one driven out of the state by the ensuing threats and intimidation. One of the other two is the actual killer.
I hope nobody is surprised by the denouement of this case. I knew all along he’d be put to death, from my knowledge and experience of living in America and viewing it objectively. And after all, the GOP framed up a former Democratic Governor, Singleton, in a high-speed, blatant railroad, and he was imprisoned, and despite establishment poohbahs taking up his cause, nothing came of that. Not freed, not exonerated- much less the frame-up culprits prosecuted or even losing position or status or, most critically, POWER. Fundamentally,  it all comes down to that, power.

Even Leftists don’t mention it, nor Davis’ family, Obama could have spoken out about Troy Davis' case.  But he’d rather avoid offending white racists. After all, what’s more important, saving an innocent man’s life, or his own reelection? (Obama had one of his mouthpieces trot out the lame excuse that he can’t meddle in a state matter, which of course doesn't stop him from using the bully pulpit of the Presidency to speak out on the issue.

Remember, Obama has bent over backwards to NOT do ANYTHING to help black people in general or in particular. Note how he handled the outrageous false arrest in his own home of Henry Louis Gates, a Harvard professor, two years ago:  “Let’s have a beer, all be friends, and put this behind us!” he postured, with a phony photo-op sitting with the cop and Gates with beers. After initially calling the arrest “stupid” (a pretty mild critique), white racist and reactionary ire prompted him to immediately do a yellow-bellied retreat. 

Consistently, Obama appeases the very worst political elements in America, while treating the progressive, decent ones with the back of his hand and ordering his minions to mete out abuse to them. Notice how fast Van Jones got canned because Murdoch’s minions went after him. (What do Republicans do when one of their allies is under attack? They counterattack.) Shirley Sherrod was axed as soon as some libeling blogger did a hatchet job on her. And remember ACORN?  They registered voters for the Democrats, and their reward was being thrown overboard.  Can’t imagine the GOP doing that to an ally.

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