Kerry says over 1,000 airstrikes have left IS exposed.
But Kerry says it will take “years” to defeat IS.
You see any contradictions there? I do.
Maybe the U.S. should take its leash off the Kurds. The U.S. almost let the “Islamic State” take Kobani, Syria, on the Turkish border, a Kurdish city. And they are blocking the Kurds from selling their oil. Right now tankers carrying crude oil from the Kurdish region in Northern Iraq are stuck at sea because of U.S. threats against anyone daring to purchase the oil. (And since oil is traded in U.S. dollars, and the U.S. controls the world financial apparatus, it can seize anyone's dollars at will.)
And one of the most important enemies of IS and backers of the Iraqi government is Iran, which is persona non grata in the U.S. “coalition.”
Yeah, the U.S. is real serious about defeating IS. But at least it's more serious than it was about aiding the Syrian people's rebellion against the monstrous tyrant Assad.
“I just LOVE being important!”
1] "ISIS releases horrifying sex slave pamphlet, justifies child rape," RT, December 11, 2014;
"ISIS issues guidelines for sex slavery," CBS News, same day;
UK female jihadists run ISIS sex-slave brothels," Al Arabiya, September 12, 2014;
ISIS: Enslaving, having sex with 'unbelieving' women, girls is OK, CNN, December 12, 2014.