Wednesday, June 17, 2015

NATO Poohbah Resorts To Mysticism In Latest Verbal Attack On Russia

The U.S. announced a few days ago that it is sending hundreds of armored vehicles and equipment sufficient for a 5,000 troop expeditionary force, to Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia, and other eastern European and Baltic  nations, to “reassure” its “allies” (clients and lackeys) against Russian “aggression.” [1] In apparent response, Russian president Vladimir Putin has subsequently declared that Russia will deploy an additional 40 intercontinental ballistic missiles this year. (ICBMs are long-range missiles- note the name, Intercontinental. So they are not even directed at eastern Europe!)
This Russian announcement prompted NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg  to bloviate that this coming Russian deployment is one of the reasons for the NATO buildup. In other words, the cause of something in the past lies in a subsequent event. The future caused something to happen in the past. [2]

In the universe as most of us experience it, events that occur later in time do not cause events earlier in time.

But apparently the laws of physics are not binding in the world of Western imperialist apparatchiks. And no propaganda statement is too obviously ludicrous not to be treated as true by Western media propagandists. And Stoltenberg knew this or he never would have made his absurd statement.

Whatever one thinks of Putin’s move, it CANNOT POSSIBLY HAVE CAUSED SOMETHING TO HAPPEN IN THE PAST. Unless one is a flaked-out mystic. Maybe Stoltenberg should cast a spell on Putin with some eye of Newt and a bat wing. Or use some magic crystals to ward off the Russian evil.

1] “Russian aggression” refers to Russian support for the eastern Ukrainian separatists, and the reunification of Crimea and Russia, first voted for by over 90% of Crimean residents who participated in a referendum and then ratified by the Russian parliament, the Duma, is called “aggression,” and frequently painted as a precursor to a Russian invasion of the Baltics, Poland, etc.- an absurd, paranoiac fantasy used to justify a revival of the so-called “Cold War” by “the West,” that is, the U.S. and its European “partners” and other hangers-on like Canada.) 

2] A European civilian traditionally acts as a U.S. puppet “head” of NATO. NATO is actually run by an American general at all times, and always has been.  The secretary-generals are always picked for their reactionary attitudes and fealty to U.S. imperialism.

Stoltenberg’s statement was : "This nuclear saber rattling of Russia is unjustified, it’s destabilizing, and it’s dangerous. And this is something which we are addressing, and it’s also one of the reasons why we now are increasing the readiness and the preparedness of our forces. And we are responding [sic] by making sure that NATO also in the future is an alliance which provides deterrence and protection for all allies against any threat."

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