Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Cowards Of Texas

Greg Abbott, the reactionary Republican Governor of Texas, has seized on the “issue” of desperate Syrian refugees fleeing death and destruction to play to his racist, xenophobic, Muslim-hating base by loudly announcing that no Syrian refugees will be “allowed” in Texas.

Only problem is: he has absolutely zero legal authority to block them.

The Federal Government has sole say-so on legally admitting non-citizens into the U.S. Specifically the State Department makes the determination and issues visas. In this case, the Syrians are to be granted temporary refugee status. If admitted to the U.S., they have the right to be in the U.S. Last time I checked, Texas was part of the U.S., although Abbott's predecessor, indicted criminal Rick “Big Oaf” Perry, made noises about seceding from the Union, à la the Confederacy. (That would make the second time Texas has seceded. It was one of the first seven states to quit the U.S., after the election of Abraham Lincoln as president in November 1860, before Lincoln even assumed office in March 1861. And Texas would still have been part of Mexico if not for U.S. backing its takeover by White Men. Talk about ingratitude.) [1]

Abbott beat his breast in self-righteous (and not incidentally, self-serving) fashion, saying his first duty was to protect Texans. As if they would be in any more danger than from other Texans murdering Texans. And Texas cops murdering people (such as black lives activist Sandra Bland).

Abbott also sent an obnoxious letter to U.S. president Barack “DroneMan” Obama, saying Texas “refuses” to accept Syrian refugees. This of course ignores the fact that the State of Texas has no say in the matter, and the letter has no force at all, except as political grandstanding, which is the real point, as it plays well to white racists and reactionaries (that is, Republicans), who hate Obama for all the wrong reasons and enjoy seeing some demagogic politician “standing up to” Obama.

Abbott has strapped on his legal spurs and sued the International Rescue Committee (originally a CIA-front organization set up by CIA éminence grise Leo Cherne) to stop them resettling Syrian refugees in Texas. (He doesn't have any legal grounds to do this, as I just explained.) The IRC so far hasn't shown itself to be intimidated by the fact that Gunslinger Greg is aiming at them, telling him basically to shove off. (If only more people weren't craven in the face of reactionary attacks. Notice how far the mild explanations and appeasement moves by Planned Parenthood have gotten them. They'd be better off invoking their Second Amendment rights and announce the formation of a clinic protection militia.)

Here's the cowardice. Texas is an open-carry gun law state. Macho Texans strut around with guns strapped to their waists, ankles, in the smalls of their backs, in their boots and glove compartments and under their hats if they want. They openly brandish long guns. This is supposedly for self-defense. Well, what is the point if you're too scared to defend yourselves?

Anti-gun control loudmouths, like Wayne LaPierre of the National Rifle Association, say the solution to massacres in the U.S. is more guns. Guns in schools, guns in movie theaters, guns in shopping malls, guns in bars, guns in parking lots, guns in churches. GOP politicians, and the outré narcissist Donald Trump, all parrot LaPierre's line. A universally armed populace, packing heat in public, is the answer to shooting sprees. (And when police arrive on the scene, they can just shoot everyone they see with a gun, I suppose.)

Ben “Pinocchio” Carson recently said the Holocaust could have been stopped in its tracks if only the Jews had been armed with guns.

So a state with millions of pistol-packing He-Men can't take out a few terrorists?

What a bunch of cowards.

I speak as a resident of New York City, where we are barred from even owning a gun. A place that has been attacked repeatedly by Islamofascist terrorists, and that is still a dream target of theirs. There are many Muslims, including Syrians, living here. Muslim garb on women is a common sight, including chadors and veils. As far as I can tell, nobody's afraid of them, nobody's worried they're wearing suicide bomb vests or packing a Kalashnikov.

Man up, you chickenshit all-hat-and-no-cattle gutless rednecks!

“And so I say to you, Do not be afraid to cower in fear!”

1] The Obama regime has announced that out of several million Syrian refugees who fled their devastated homeland, where several hundred thousand have already died in over four years of civil war, and are in camps in Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon, or currently washing over Europe like a human wave, the U.S. will take in 10,000 over the next two years. And it will take 18-24 months to vet each one first, before they are allowed in.
There are around 33,000 traffic fatalities annually in the U.S. For the years 2010-2014, there were between 14,000 and 15,000 homicides yearly. The FBI attributes two-thirds of those to firearms. (Anti-gun people like to lump together suicides and accidental deaths by firearms with murders. That number is higher of course.)

Cancer kills around 550,000 people a year in the U.S. now, largely caused by carcinogens that theoretically people needn't have been exposed to.

But millions of people are made frantic by the possibility of a few, a few dozen, or a couple of hundreds of people at most being killed by some terrorists. (The deaths at the World Trade Center in 2001 were mostly caused by the explosives planted and detonated in the twin towers by state terrorists working for the Bush-Cheney gang. See Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.)

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