Monday, February 15, 2016

Russians Take After U.S. and Saudis, Bomb Doctors Without Borders Hospital

Man, Médecins Sans Frontières can't catch a break. First the U.S. attacks their hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, four times in an hour, paying special attention to destroying the surgical facilities. Then the Saudis attack their facilities in Yemen, among over 70 medical sites bombarded by Saudi flying terrorists in their U.S.-supplied jets, dropping the cluster bombs and other munitions Obama gladly sells to them. (Presumably the Saudis are satisfied customers.) Actually that's not quite right. Obama has to allow U.S. "defense" manufacturers to make the sales.

And  now Russia has destroyed yet another MSF facility, in Syria, in several strikes from the air.

Russia, being no more moral or punctilious about observing international law then the U.S. or Saudi Arabia, has been helping their semi-client Bashar al-Assad cling to power (the power to terrorize, anyway) by using their air power to pummel both combatants and civilians. (Which, come to think of it, is starting to look a lot like the standard of warfare, beginning with the Nazi bombardment of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War, then the destruction of cities by aerial bombardment in World War II, which the U.S. did more than any other nation, then on through Vietnam, and the Russian razing of Grozny, Chechnya, and now the Saudis over Yemen and the autodestruction of Syria by the Syrian "government."

I think it's time for MSF to heed my previous advice, and give their enemies WRONG GPS coordinates for their locations! They're only providing them targeting information as it stands. These are no "accidents,"(or "mistakes," as the mendacious U.S. government and media claimed the obviously deliberate attack on the Kunduz hospital was). That attack deprived an entire Afghan province of a trauma center, and was followed up by a U.S. tank crashing through the gate in a blatant act of intimidation. (Obama has a pattern of such thuggery, including the murder of the teenage son and nephews of Anwar al-Awlaki, the breaking of the arm of Medea Benjamin, and the intensifying assaults I have been experiencing at the hands of U.S. "intelligence."

For more on Russian war crimes against medical facilities in Syria, see "Russia Outdoes U.S. Five-Fold In Bombing Hospitals," October 27, 2015.

For the story of the deliberate U.S. attack on the Médecins Sans Frontières hospital in Kunduz, see
Why Did the U.S. Launch a Sustained Aerial Bombardment of a Doctors Without Borders Hospital?, October 5th; "U.S. Military Changes Its Story- Again- On Bombing Doctors Without Borders Hospital," October 6th;  "WikiLeaks Invites Obama to Bomb It," October 8th; and "What Happens When One Nobel Peace Prize Winner Bombs Another Nobel Peace Prize Winner?" Oct. 9th.

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