Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Mueller Lays a Goose Egg. Predictably. (And Predicted.)

There is so much to debunk, and that has BEEN debunked, about the gigantic pile of horse manure agitpropaganda that "the media" has heaped on our heads these past 2+ years, that my brief remarks here can only touch on a few points.

We witnessed absurd conspiracy theories, with every ill in the Western world being blamed on Russian online memes that "divide us." The rise of rightwing populism in Europe is blamed on Russia (not discontent with those in power!). Chuck Todd, the Dumbest Man On Television, speculated that the terror bombs that turned out to have been mailed by a pro-Trump zealot, Cesar Sayoc, were sent by Russia.

Russian clickbait and spam from a troll farm was equated with Pearl Harbor and 9/11 by political demagogues of the Democratic Party. Congressman Adam Schiff made a name for himself as the worst political mountebank in the nation, against stiff competition.

Much was made of the "lies" that tripped up Trump's erstwhile minions. (People Trump threw overboard at the first sign of trouble.)

And what were the lies Mueller obtained convictions for? Inconsequential things. Except for Michael Flynn's lies. Flynn conspired with Turkey to kidnap Fethullah Gulen from the U.S. to hand over to the Erdogan regime. And what were the consequences? Flynn got off easiest, with no jail time, as recommended by Mueller's prosecutors. He was even praised by the judge for his murderous military record. (He served U.S. imperialism in a high position, so he gets privileged treatment.)

Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen's main lie was to Congress, when he claimed attempts to do a deal for a hotel in Moscow ended a few months sooner than they actually did.

The severest penalties were meted out to Paul Manafort, for things totally unrelated to Trump and his presidential campaign. Mainly hiding his money from the IRS (which the attempt to do made him guilty of money "laundering" as well as tax evasion), bank "fraud" (he put false information on applications for bank loans- something Trump himself has done with impunity, in fact overstating his assets by $2 BILLION to obtain a loan from Deutsche Bank), and failing to register as a foreign agent. (Because he worked in Ukraine, NOT in the U.S. representing Ukraine, trying to steer the president the U.S. later overthrew, Yanukovych, into pro-EU pro-U.S. actions. He wasn't repping the Ukraine in the U.S., so how could he be guilty of that? At the same time, Flynn got away with not registering as an agent of Turkey, and AIPAC, the AJC, the Congress of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, the Zionist Organization of America, et al, act as agents of Israel, take directions fron Israeli government officials in frequent meetings with them, and are NOT prosecuted for refusing to register. U.S. justice certainly is blind. Or rather, it looks the other way for those with special privileges and power.)

Manafort made the stupid mistake of not throwing in with Mueller, relying instead on Trump to protect him! What a dumb grifter. Trump is only loyal to himself,  and to his family who are psychologically extensions of himself.

So what, finally, did Mueller "discover" about Trump's "collusion" with "a hostile foreign power to interfere with our election and subvert Our Democracy"?

Nothing. But the Democrats are twisting this to say Mueller didn't DISPROVE it!

Talk about diehards.

Aaron Maté of the The Nation magazine and formerly at democracynow.org summed up the more than two year saga of a full court press propaganda campaign by most of the major U.S. media and elements of the secret police and Department of "Justice" to paint the president of the United States, Donald Trump, as beholden to Russian president Vladimir Putin and a co-conspirator with him in "stealing" the 2016 presidential election from Hillary Clinton. 

Maté  put it succinctly and accurately thus: "This entire affair is journalistic malpractice." [1]

As for the result of over 2 years of investigating by a large prosecution team with all the "tools" of "law enforcement" (including secret ones) at their disposal, with a howling pack of media dogs sniffing out every factoid to "connect the dots" into a picture of criminal culpability, what did it all add up to? Maté did the arithmatic:

"In terms of the substance of this issue, which is whether or not there is a conspiracy between Trump and Russia, we arrive at zero."

So with the buried treasure chest of the Mueller report turning out to contain only sand, what are the Democrats going to do now?

The Democratic Party's poohbahs STILL intend to press on with it, thus undercutting their own presidential candidates for 2020.

Good luck with THAT.

"Sorry about that." Not the Democratic Party's Saviour After All. Square-jawed former FBI secret police chief and U.S. Marine Invader of Vietnam Robert S. Mueller III. Exit right from the Stage of History, Bob.

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