Thursday, October 10, 2024

Will Netanyahu Bomb Iran's Oil Facilities To Help His Ally Trump Retake The U.S. Presidency?

  He may well. He's ruthless enough. This is a man who exterminates babies. How would that help Trump? It would cause a sharp (temporary) rise in oil prices, which in turn raises gasoline prices. And Americans hate nothing more than paying more for gasoline. They would hold the Biden-Harris regime responsible. Trump would loudly scapegoat the Democratic regime for his own benefit in the presidential election less than a month away.

Americans are stupid people who think the president of the U.S. controls the economy and controls the prices of products. And Trump has harped on blaming the Biden regime for inflation. The Democrats have been lame in reaction. Instead of refuting that nonsense, they squirm under the barrage of false accusations and point to this or that they did to lower the price of this or that (such as the handful of medical drugs that Medicare is now allowed to negotiate the prices they pay for).

Kamala Harris made it worse by promising to lower grocery prices- something the president has no power to do. The U.S. isn't a socialist nation. The Government cannot dictate the prices that eggs or milk sell for at retail, for example. By doing this, Harris tacitly agreed with Trump that presidents have such power, and by implication the Biden regime is responsible for inflation.

Inflation has various causes, and inflation of particular products can be effected by all kinds of events- a shortfall in crop yield, a disease that wipes out chickens, and so on. These are not under the control of the White House. Maybe sometime a politician might want to tutor the moronic American public about this- if the totalitarian corporate media will let them, that is.

There's an irony here, in that Biden has been 100% behind Israel's genocide in Gaza, pogrom in the West Bank, and terrorism campaign against Lebanon. But he supposedly fulminates against Netanyahu in private, to his own staff. That's enough to make Netanyahu favor Trump. And when he was president, Trump couldn't have been more Zionist. The fact that Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner is a fanatical Zionist, and Trump's daughter Ivanka converted to Orthodox Judaism to be allowed to marry Jared, can't hurt. Oh by the way, when Jared was a boy, Netanyahu used to stay at the Jared family home in New Jersey! So with those kind of tight personal connections, it would be surprising if Binyamin Netanyahu DIDN'T favor Trump!

And by the way, Israel has a long and complex record of interfering in U.S. politics and U.S. elections. The details take a book to describe. Just trust me on this, and do your own research if you want to learn more. 

Tough Guy!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Israel Invades Lebanon Yet Again

 U.S. Sending Thousands MORE Troops To Middle East To Support Israel's Invasion of Lebanon

The U.S. has now joined Israel in bombing undefended people in Syria and Yemen.

The U.S. has been increasing in stages its military forces for aggression for the purpose of further intimidating Iran to sit on its hands. And if the U.S. joins the Israeli invasion on the ground, it won't be the first time the U.S. has invaded Lebanon. Eisenhower invaded Lebanon in the 1950s. Reagan invaded Lebanon in the 1980s. And the way U.S. elites "remember" THAT invasion is through the twisted prism of the U.S. was the "victim" of a "terrorist attack." Namely, a truck bomb was driven into a U.S. Marine base, killing several hundred Marines. This prompted Reagan to pull the troops out, and punish the Lebanese by having a U.S. battleship lob 16" diameter cannon shells on Lebanese villages. (Reagan had taken World War II battleships out of mothballs for such purposes. Battleships have no role in naval warfare today, as they are easily sunk by aircraft, missiles, and torpedoes. Their only purpose after World War II is to murder defenseless people in the "Third World," that is, the NON-"WHITE" areas of earth.)

The resistance strike on the Marines' is considered a terrorist outrage, the same as the Nazis considered resistance attacks on their occupying armies "terrorism." They also responded with revenge murders of random civilians as well as any resistance fighters they could find. 

The recent assassination by Israel of a Lebanese commander blamed for the Marines' deaths was noted with satisfaction by the U.S. media.

Meanwhile the Lebanese are the victims of actual terrorism. There is the mass terror attack when Israel detonated 3000 booby-trapped pagers and radios, killing at least 37 and blowing off the fingers of victims and blinding many. Some of the victims were medical personnel. Lebanon's medical system is already crippled by years of economic depression. Lebanon's "government" is simply a collection of different factions and cliques of thieves. Israel and the U.S. over the years have succeeded in making Lebanon a dysfunctional state. (The vile Syrian regime of the Assad crime family also played a malign role)

Lebanon is being subjected to an aerial blitz by Israel, targeting apartment buildings and other civilian targets. Much worse than the Blitz London suffered in World War II, because BRITAIN HAD AN AIR FORCE THAT SUCCESSFULLY FOUGHT BACK. LEBANON HAS NO AIR FORCE, NO ANTI-AIRCRAFT WEAPONS, NO "SHIELD" LIKE ISRAEL HAS TO SHOOT DOWN THE INEFFECTIVE ROCKETS HEZBOLLAH FIRES AT ISRAEL, WHICH HAVE KILLED NO ONE.

Yet U.S. media and politicians keep wringing their hands about the danger ISRAEL is exposed to! What if Hezbollah escalates!

Escalates how?

When Hezbollah fired a single rocket in the direction of Tel Aviv, WHICH ISRAEL SHOT DOWN, this was presented as equivalent to the ongoing bombardment of Lebanon by Israel, and the non-stop assassination of Hezbollah "commanders," which just included the long time head of Hezbollah, Hasan Nasrallah. (Reminiscent of the murder of Yasir Arafat on the orders of Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon, by radioactive polonium poisoning.)

A big reason Israel is always murdering the leadership of its opponents is to completely eliminate the "danger" of negotiations. Negotiations are poison to Israel. They wish only to conquer by force. 

Which is to say, Israel is an imperialist state, back by the world's most powerful empire, the most powerful empire in history, the U.S. Whose political class, media, and government Israel has colonized, like a brain worm.

The Grinning Gargoyles of U.S. Imperialism