Saturday, June 25, 2011

Are Israel And the U.S. Now Killing Russian Nuclear Scientists?

A plane crash in Russia killed 5 top Russian nuclear scientists who worked on Iran's nuclear reactor. Haaretz made vague reference to other plane crashes and "accidents" that killed Iranian nuclear scientists. (No "accidents" have been a number of assassinations and assassination attempts, including two in Tehran a few months ago on the eve of new talks between Iran and the West about Iran's nuclear program. [Tells you something about the sincerity of U.S. offers to "negotiate." You murder the other side's scientists right before negotiating! Did they think the Iranians would come crawling and beg for mercy after that?] One died and one was wounded in those shootings, which were not the first assassinations. There was also a kidnapping/"defection" of an Iranian nuclear scientist.

Haaretz vaguely hints at a possible connection with the Russian plane crash. Given the very aggressive nature of both the U.S. and Israel in dealing with other nations, and their fetish for covert ops, anything is possible.

Israel and the U.S. just created the STUXNET worm, used to infect Iranian computers controlling the centrifuges used to spin uranium gas to enrich it. Reportedly the goal was to destroy the centrifuges by having them spin too fast. Apparently there was some success at this, since Iran had to shut down their operation subsequently.

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