Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Obama Increases Air Pollution By Coal-Burning Power Plants

In his latest double-cross of the fools who voted for him, Obama had his EPA loosen pollution standards for coal-burning power plants. Truly, he is worse than Bush.

Stocks of major coal mining companies in the U.S. rallied as much as 14% today (Oct. 5th) on the news. As well they should. As for people who have to breathe air, the news is wholly negative. And good luck, asthmatics.

This of course follows closely on the heels of Obama's betrayal just last month on the ozone standard. Sucker environmentalists were chumped into dropping their lawsuit, only to get blindsided by the shifty Obama. Had Bush been President, there would have already been a stronger standard in place. Obama never even implemented the lower standard Bush's EPA had put forth, promising to do "better."  

But the Democrats know that their "progressive" supporters are like abused wives, they can never leave, no matter how badly the Dems beat them. Instead of rallying around Ralph Nader, or building up a party like the Greens to challenge a rotten establishment, they delude themselves into thinking they are "working within the system" for "change."

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice (make that 5,000 times) shame on me.

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