Monday, October 31, 2011

Herman Cain Another Clarence Thomas.


What is it with black male reactionaries? Why do they have to sexually harass women with crude and vulgar sexual comments and propositions? Don’t they have enough sex with their wives?

Herman Cain has been exposed as a sexual harasser. And hush money was paid to the women he victimized, on condition they take a vow of silence. Politico reporter Alexander Burns on NPR discussed the matter today. Asked Cain directly four times to his face if he’d ever been accused of sexual harassment, Cain refused to answer, then finally demanded of the reporter “Have YOU ever been accused of sexual harassment?!” What an asshole. Typical reactionary- they always attack, never defend. That’s one of the reasons for their success- they never go on the defensive. (Well, virtually never. We just saw the evil Murdoch Empire knocked back on its heels by the phone hacking and police bribery scandals in the U.K.)

Then AP falsely reported that Cain denied he’d been accused. And his campaign calls it ‘old news.” Old SECRET news, apparently.

So AP provides another example of how U.S. corp. media bends over backwards to protect and promote rightwing extremists.

Rene Montane interviewed Cokie Roberts, NPR’s resident political analyst, about it. [Morning Edition.] She made an excuse for Cain- “It’s very hard for [a non-politician] to survive scrutiny.” Hey Roberts, not everyone is a sexual harasser. Then Roberts changed the subject and they mostly talked about Perry and Romney.

Fascist harridan Ann Coulter threw in her lying two cents, screeching that Cain was precluded by the settlement from speaking about the case- an obvious lie. The accusers are the ones these settlements silence, for obvious reasons, not the culprit. The culprit needs no legal inducement to keep his mouth shut about his own sleazy behavior! 

And that’s another example of the extreme rightwing bias of the U.S. media- the constant presence of Ann Coulter! Like vicious crackpot commentary is respectable and edifying. This is a woman who slimed 9/11 widows- with impunity- and called for terrorists to bomb the NY Times, with no effect on her “respectability.” In fact, the NY Times keeps running puff pieces on this bitch who hates them!

Oh yeah, the U.S. media is sooo liberal, eh, rightwing jackasses?

We need more verbal abuse of these idiots to delegitimize them.

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