Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Herman Cain Squirming Like a Worm In Sex Scandal

Herman Cain is giving different stories and contradicting himself in his sexual harassment scandal in just a single day. He says:

-he was unaware of any settlement [“I’M NOT AWARE OF ANY SETTLEMENT.”]

-he signed a settlement

-he “recused” himself from the matter

-his legal counsel kept him informed

-there was no sexual harassment and he was vindicated

-they settled for 3 months severance pay, he thinks.

On the same day that he denied he knew of any settlement when he was CEO of the restaurant association, he verbally tap-danced around the question, saying there was an “agreement,” then he split hairs over semantics of whether “agreement” and “settlement” are the same. No man, you were SUED and you SETTLED the suit.

Well, gee, he’s a busy man, with more important things to think about, like saving the country. You can’t expect him to remember such nitpicking details, can you?

The New York Times, polite to a fault to all reactionaries, says Cain’s story “evolved” during the day. (Contrast the kid glove treatment rightists always get with how they savaged Keith Olbermann, for example, repeatedly running different versions of the same character assassination article over and over. Or their respectful treatment of the crackpot “conspiracy theories” of Newsmax, a rabidly deranged website. Said theories including that Vincent Foster was murdered, and that Clinton’s Commerce Secretary Ron Brown was shot in the head before his plane crashed, killing all on board. A suicide assassin, I guess. Otherwise “conspiracy theory” is a term of abuse applied to actual truths the Times wishes to discredit without having to actually disprove them.)

Predictably, Cain’s supporters shot the messenger, attacking the corporate media for its alleged “liberal bias,” as delusional reactionaries always do. (They live in an alternate universe, you see. Apparently physicists are right, there really are parallel universes. Either that, or we need to start building a lot more mental hospitals, pronto.)

As rightists always do when caught out in some scam/crime/scandal, Cain played the aggrieved victim, saying he was the victim of a “witchhunt.” (Ironic coming from these redbaiting witchhunting bastards, eh?) Fascist harridan Ann Coulter leapt in with both feet, as usual, screeching that “This is another high-tech lynching,” invoking the outrageous counterattack of that other black reactionary sexual harasser, Clarence Thomas, at his Supreme Court confirmation hearing. The Clarence Thomas who worked against victims of racial discrimination as head of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The Clarence Thomas who despises “quotas” and affirmative action, the Clarence Thomas who by his actions and ideology is the sworn enemy of blacks. He had the nerve to pose as a victim of racism. (Guess Anita Hill was secretly a KKK member or something.) This after the book on the Thomas confirmation by Jane Mayer and Jill Abramson [Strange Justice: The Selling of Clarence Thomas] proved definitively that Thomas was a serial masher. But like I said, reactionaries live in their own universe, where facts are, to quote Saint Reagan, “stupid things.” Hey, Thomas’ wife recently contacted Anita Hill to tell her to apologize! These people are shameless and without the capacity for guilt. Unrestrained by conscience or modesty, they are amoral and dangerous. They believe the ends (their self-aggrandizement and grabbing of power, for the imposition of their twisted ideological demands on the rest of us, a la the Taliban) justifies the means (any means necessary).

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