Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Obama Regime FBI Coordinates National Raids On Anti-Oligarchy Protest Camps

Police in Denver, Colorado, Salt Lake City, Utah, Oakland, California, and New York City, just launched nearly simultaneous raids on the protest camps of the Occupy Wall Street Movement.

Just a coincidence, I’m sure. I wouldn’t want any Establishment types to brand me “paranoid”!

Actually it’s standard operating procedure for the main domestic political secret police force, the FBI, to coordinate this type of nationwide repression. They’ve been doing it ever since the Palmer Raids and mass deportations of socialists right after World War.  J. Edger Hoover organized that for then-Attorney General Palmer.

First the FBI incites the hatred of the local police with libelous “intelligence reports” on the targeted victims, branding them terrorists, communists, anarchists, violence cop-killers, whatever. That primes the attack dogs to do the dirty work of busting skulls, Macing, teargasing, pepper-spraying, false-arresting, destroying personal property, and so forth.

[During the government drive to wipe out the Black Panther Party, the FBI arrange for murderous police raids by local police on Panther offices in cities including Chicago and Los Angeles, for example.]

Somehow all the Mayors in these various burgs hit on the same sanctimonious excuse for their brutal repression: their tender concern for the welfare of the protesters their goon squads attacked, citing “health and safety.”
Can you get more cynical than that?

Well yes, you can.

At the outset of the 1 am [Nov. 15] raid on Liberty Park (nee Zuccotti Park, named for a local member of the corporate nomenklatura John Zuccotti who has spent his existence cycling between high ranking unelected NYC government posts and grossly overpaid private sinecures) hundreds of police in their armor suits and extra-long batons for smashing bodies surrounded the encampment and thrust leaflets at the protesters titled  "Notice of requirement to remove property from Zuccotti Park."  This pseudo-official document gave the protesters to clear out with their belongings. It stated they could reclaim their property at noon at the Sanitation Department garage “with proper ID.” Then the police proceeded to do their usual beating, punching, pepper-spraying, and roughly shoving people to a distance of several blocks away. Then Sanitation Department workers piled all the belongings on the site- tents, the kitchen, the library of thousands of books- into a pile and threw it into garbage trucks, which compacted it all for transport to landfill.

Kind of reminds one of Syrian Government pronouncements, claiming to be having a “dialogue” with the people they’re murdering, pretending to be abiding by a deal with the Arab League to withdraw its military and release prisoners, while it murders hundreds more people and sends its army to attack the city of Homs.

Or Rockefeller’s assault on Attica prison, during which a helicopter flew overhead proclaiming to the helpless prisoners below “You will not be harmed” while the State Police gunned them down.

Of course, the rulers haven’t killed Occupy Wall Street protesters yet. At least not many. There have been some mysterious deaths in some of the encampments, and given the numerous provocations by police and their infiltration, we cannot rule out state homicide. And it’s pure luck that saved the lives of the two military veterans the Oakland police almost killed, one shot in the head and brain-damaged by a “non-lethal” projectile, the other savagely clubbed for walking down the street, lacerating his spleen and leaving him in a cell for 19 hours until someone posted bail and got him to a hospital- he could easily have bled to death thanks to his sadistic jailers.

But rest assured, if their rule was really threatened, they wouldn’t shrink from mass murder. Take a look at U.S. history if you doubt that.

The media is doing its part by ignoring  the police violence and callous destruction of personal property- the first step to dehumanizing their victims. It always starts with assaults on the belongings of victims, and physical violence, before culminating in murder. The establishment propaganda system covers up police brutality with the dishonest word “clashes.” There were “clashes between protesters and police” whenever the police assault people.  Or “violence” “breaks out.” No, you ordered your goons to attack people. You sicced your attack dogs on people. That’s what happened.

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