Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Molester Cain Totally Flummoxed By Question About Libya

Herman Cain was asked during an interview by the news staff of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel his opinion on Obama’s handling of Libya. Like all GOP candidates, his doglike conditioned instinct is to attack Obama- but apparently he couldn’t think of anything negative to say. [Of course all the GOP candidates, who are militarists and imperialists (save for Ron Paul, the isolationist Libertarian), are in bad faith when they attack Obama for using military force, although some stretch and attack Obama for not using enough violence.] GOP candidates are like Pavlovian dogs- their kneejerk attacks on Obama are slavishly rewarded with wild whoops and applause by any GOP mob in the vicinity. Thus they receive reinforcement for their mindless, mendacious negativity.

Anyway, here was Cain’s well-thought-out response:

 “O.K., Libya,” he said.
“President Obama supported the uprising, correct?” he asked.  [Does this moron live under a rock?] “President Obama called for the removal of Qaddafi — just want to make sure we’re talking about the same thing before I say ‘Yes, I agree,’ or ‘No, I didn’t agree.’  ”
Then Mr. Cain of course said he disagreed with the president’s approach “for the following reasons” — and couldn’t think of any.
“Nope, that’s a different one,” he said. “I’ve got to go back and see.”
He added: “I’ve got all this stuff twirling around in my head.”
[Like what, thoughts of breasts?]
But that’s not important. As Cain said in the interview:
 “Some people want to say, ‘Well, as president, you’re supposed to know everything.’ No you don’t.”
Or know anything, apparently. Except how to sing a few gospel songs and grope women.
Naturally, Cain's campaign immediately attacked the newspaper, claiming they somehow used trick editing to make Cain look bad. Blame The Media is what reactionaries always do when they reveal what jackasses they are. In fact, the corporate media usually bends over backwards to legitimize these reactionary cretins.
Unbelievable, the incompetent wackjobs who can run for President and be granted massive coverage.
On the other hand, a highly intelligent and articulate candidate like a Ralph Nader was practically an unperson when he ran for President, despite drawing rallies of tens of thousands of supporters.
Guess ideology and the class interests of the corporate oligarchy have something to do with it.
To check out even more bizarre Cainisms, see “Herman Cain: "Manly" men like more
pizza toppings,” where he discusses “sissy” toppings and other matters, at

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