Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Is There Any Point Talking About Herman Cain Anymore?

So now his mistress of 13 years, who he precipitously dumped earlier this year in preparation for his egotistical Presidential run, has come forward. Her stated reason was distress at Cain's contemptuous smearing of the 3 [known] women he molested/harassed. Which is indicative of his poor social judgment and callous insensitivity to others. As a corporate boss, he could get away with such an existential strategy, as he never experienced any negative consequences from his boorishness and mistreatment of others as objects. The need to be sensitive to other beings was never a factor in his life before (at least not for decades, outside of whatever corporate politics he engaged in to advance himself).

We are reduced to hoping that he drops his farce of a campaign. This is the only way the corporate propaganda system (aka "the media") will stop shoving him in our faces and lavishing attention on every tiny twist and turn he makes. The fact that they won't stop treating him as a person of major importance (merely because he's one of 8 or 9- it's easy to lose count- nearly ideologically identical reactionaries vying for the GOP Presidential nomination) and putting him on TV daily, is revealing of the hidden political agenda of that media- to assiduous, year after year, push the U.S. as far to the right as they can.

When Ralph Nader ran for President, he was virtually invisible in the corporate propaganda media version of reality. Nader was and is a brilliant (unlike dolts like Cain, Perry, Santorum, Bachmann, e.g.), systematic thinker with a cogent, well-articulated political and economic critique, who had explicit, specific plans for policy. (Not shallow napkin slogans, like Cain's "9-9-9" "tax plan," for example.) Since Nader was a threat to the established order of corporate oligarchy, he was ignored. (He was also prevented from getting on the ballot in various states, and had to fight tooth and nail, diverting time, energy, and resources from actually running, in most states he did manage to claw his way onto the ballot in.)

On the other hand, any lamebrain reactionary is given excited, wall to wall coverage. The "vote" of a few thousand aging rural white reactionaries paying to enter caucuses in Iowa is treated like an event of gigantic significance.

"The Seven Dwarfs" [sic] was a term of ridicule and belittlement pasted on a past field of Democratic candidates by the corporate media. (It's still invoked today, referencing Democrats, never Republicans, such as by that smug and insufferable member of the D.C.unelected nomenklatura Cokie Roberts a few weeks ago on NPR.) Somehow the corporatchiks of the media never see a parallel with the GOP field, which repeatedly features large numbers of reactionary clones with almost no national following. The swarm of rightwing idiots who try to outdo each other in extremism are always treated with utmost respect, each and every one, as serious people of stature.

Which brings me to another example of rightwing crackpotism: they think the aforementioned media is "liberal." Go figure. But then, the establishment propaganda system treats most of the far right's delusions as reasonable, so their delusions are daily reinforced by the "liberal" media they despise.

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