Thursday, June 13, 2013

Carl Levin's Latest Crime

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U.S. Senator Carl Levin, a Democrat from Michigan who is chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is, we're told, a “liberal.” As with most U.S. politicians who are so labeled, the designation is highly misleading. Many of the worst crimes in U.S. history have been committed by alleged “liberals.” [1]

Levin is the guy who brought us “legalized” indefinite imprisonment (euphemized as “detention”) for American citizens, in military gulags, without charges or trials, so long as the government calls them “terrorists,” is at it again. [2] Once again, using his authoritarian power as chairman of the Armed Services Committee, he has committed another crime against human rights. This time he had rushed to rescue military rapists. He removed an amendment from a pending bill, the 2014 “defense authorization” law that funds the military, an amendment that was the work of a bipartisan group spearheaded by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) designed to reform the way the military handles sexual assault cases by taking the the power to decide to investigate and prosecute cases out of the hands of commanders- the people who notoriously protect the sex criminals- just as in the Roman Catholic Church with pedophile priests- and giving it to military prosecutors

The War Department itself admits to 26,000 sexual assaults against military members by others in the military in the most recent year it tabulated. (Of course, as with rape and other sexual assault in society generally, this is an understatement of the actual frequency. Given the horrible history of how sexual assault is dealt with in the military, which is that is victims say anything, they are targeted for retaliation, if anything the degree of underestimation is probably greater in the military.) Just in the last few months we've had the spectacle of military personnel given newly created roles to supposedly crack down on sexual abuse themselves arrested for sex crimes. (Nothing like hiring foxes to guard a hen house!)

The military has proven itself over the past few years of growing scandal to be incapable of internal reform. Reform must be imposed from without. Levin is trying to block that reform. Like Obama, Levin's words were the opposite of his action. Here's what this evil cynic had to say:

“We have a problem with the underreporting of sexual assaults,” Levin said. “We have a problem with the inadequate investigation of sexual assaults. We have a problem with the lack of support for victims of sexual assaults. We have a problem with retaliation, ostracism and peer pressure against such victims. And we have a problem with a culture that has taken inadequate steps to correct this situation.”

You'd think he was the one doing the reforming, not blocking reform, just as the general staff and their nominal civilian boss, War Secretary Chuck “Wagon” Hagel, wanted- and said so publicly.

And Levin managed to top even his own ludicrous reformer burlesque by claiming that the Gillibrand reforms would “likely weaken” the response to sexual assaults in the military!!

Might as well have Republicans running the U.S. Senate. Having Democrats in some ways is worse in that it fools people who would otherwise make a fuss.

Same as having Obama doing the dirty work of repression keeps various liberals or whatever we should call them, quiet.

1] For example, the “liberal” Woodrow Wilson was a virulent racist who purged the Federal Government of all black employees, brought us the “Espionage Act” used to imprison dissidents then and now, took the U.S. into World War I, and the infamous Palmer raids, a mass roundup and deportation of thousands of leftists. Truman was a fanatical anti-Soviet crusader who initiated the purges and repression of the misnamed “McCarthy era.” Kennedy was the Godfather of U.S. death squad operations by so-called “Special Forces” throughout the world, and hid a torture training program in Latin America inside his so-called “Alliance for Progress.” His bloody legacy lives on today. Lyndon Johnson brought us the Vietnam War, the fascist military takeover of Brazil, and invasion of the Dominican Republic, and vicious domestic repression, including the use of the U.S. military for this purpose.

As best as I can tell, “liberal” these days applies to anyone who isn't overtly racist, and/or who isn't a social Darwinist who believes anyone who can't get rich should be allowed to die rather than have retirement money or medical insurance provided by the government, or who doesn't want to outlaw women's right to control their own bodies and terminate pregnancies, or who thinks the U.S. shouldn't be the Wild West with people packing guns in schools, bars, churches, restaurants, everywhere, with the right to shoot (black) people on sight in “self-defense.” Notice that these are all “domestic” issues. There is no discernible difference on “foreign policy” (U.S. Imperialism) except that Republicans are always trying to raise the ante on U.S. violence and aggression over what Democrats are bidding.

2] Levin (and the U.S. Congress) abolished all rights for those called “terrorists,” which he did by inserting a provision in the yearly military spending law (officially the “National Defense Authorization Act,”- it sounds so grand!) which President “Ignore What I Say Because I Lie, Just Look At What I Do” Obama signed into law after pretending he opposed it. He said not to worry, he wasn't going to use the law. Why, he is so opposed to it that he is currently appealing a decision by a Federal District Court judge that ruled the law unconstitutional, in a suit brought by prospective victims including Noam Chomsky and Chris Hedges. During the trial, the government's lawyers refused to say that the plaintiffs would not ever be thrown into the military gulag. That is very telling, if hardly revelatory.

So there's one more example of cynical con man Obama trying to fool people with obvious lies, delivered with the smooth self-assurance of the practiced hustler.

Keep in mind that, contrary to the impression the propaganda system and government strives to create, a “terrorist” isn't necessarily a Muslim with a bomb. A terrorist is whoever the secret police and military say is a terrorist. The FBI says the Occupy Movement people are terrorists- and they so (dis)informed the police departments tasked with the violent repression of that movement. The FBI designates environmental activists as “terrorists.” They designate certain animal rights activists as terrorists. They just fulminated about the “terrorist ideology” of Assata Shakur, an escaped political prison and frame-up victim.

“Terrorists” aren't just jihadists. Nor are they necessarily people who use force for their political ends (as the government does). They're whoever the reactionaries who control the repressive apparatus hate because of their political beliefs and activities.

In fact, sometimes “terrorists” are people with the power apparatus itself who run afoul of it for being too conscientious, like Julia Davis, a former DHS employee [see "DHS Whistleblower Censored from 60 minutes #N3 on] or too punctilious about law and civil rights, like William Binney, a four-decade NSA veteran.

They are quite indiscriminate about targeting people, just as in past when the “communist” label was used as the Mark of Cain on their victims. The number of names on their various “terrorist” lists and the no-fly list is closing in on one million. Well that's enough fodder to keep their “War on Terrorism” going for decades.

They always have an excuse for repression and Imperialism. Before “terrorism,” it was “communism.” Before the Soviet Union existed, it was the Hun threat to “our” hemisphere. Drugs, crimes, foreign bogeymen, anything to create fear and loathing among the populace to march to the establishment's martial music.

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