Saturday, June 29, 2013

Will Obama Apologize to Mandela Family For CIA Imprisoning Nelson Mandela?

Nelson Mandela is at the end of his life. He is dying of a lung infection. The reason he is susceptible to these infections is that he contracted tuberculosis during his 27 year imprisonment in a white racist political prison on Robben Island.

He ended up in that prison because the CIA told the South African apartheid secret police where they could locate him.

The U.S. media is unanimous in hiding this fact from the people it is their alleged duty to "inform"

And no, Obama probably isn't going to apologize for that.

This is what the CIA does. It goes around the world, infiltrating people's struggles against oppression, making lists of people to kill, helping keep this planet from evolving into a world fit for human beings to live in.

In Indonesia they instigated the extermination of 800,000 in the early 1960s.

They gave Saddam Hussein lists of alleged communists for him to torture and kill. (In the early days when the U.S. liked him.)

As former CIA officer Philip Agee revealed, the CIA through Latin America had as its primary task the prevention of social progress. It identified names of people for arrest, torture, and murder. Agee's own crisis of conscience came when he heard the screams of someone being tortured, and realized he could no longer aid and abet such crimes.

This is why I refer to the CIA as a global Gestapo.

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