Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Elephant In The Room In The Washington Navy Yard Shooting

Gun control.

Or rather, the lack of it.

The mentally ill man who killed 12 people in the Washington D.C. Navy Yard had a history of violence, including firing a gun into a neighbor's apartment and shooting out the tires of a car. Police made reports on both incidents, so he was on record as having committing these acts.

This did not stop him from buying a shotgun in a Virginia days ago and using it to kill 12 people.

There has been very little media attention on this. On the other hand, there is now a lot of attention on the question of "why did he have a pass to enter the base?" [1]

Well, why do mentally ill people go untreated in the U.S.? Police reported to their navy counterparts that he told them he was hearing voices (a symptom of schizophrenia or other psychosis).

Barack Obama just made some mild comments very gently raising the idea of gun control- but only indirectly. The man can be positively shy sometimes. (Yet he's like a stone wall when it comes to defending the massive secret police state growing by leaps and bounds under his direction, barely giving an inch to the strong winds of outrage and opposition.)

1] For example, the egregious John Miller, a police and secret police groupie and career police propagandist, was nattering on about the pass issue today while completely ignoring the gun question, from his current perch at CBS. Miller started out as a local police cheerleader on local New York City television (even though he was called a "reporter," what he did could hardly be called "reporting," as it was public relations for the police), then went to work directly for the police (NYPD) as a propagandist. After that, he changed hats and became a "journalist" again at ABC TV, this time on a national level, before flipping once again to the police, this time the notorious and fascistic Los Angeles police. His role there was quite sinister: he was Bureau Chief for the Counter-Terrorism and Criminal Intelligence Bureau, which included the Major Crimes Division, and the Emergency Services Division and the Special Investigations Section (SIS). "Counter-Terrorism," "Criminal Intelligence," and "Special Investigations" are all euphemisms for political secret police operations, which includes harassment and repression of progressives of all stripes and black and Hispanic activists, and operations against bourgeois politicians the police consider "liberal." (This has been well-documented over the decades in numerous articles and books and "scandals," which always blow over with no changes to the department's operations.) Miller was also one of the original designers of the Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center (JRIC), which combines "intelligence"(political spying) and "analysis" (their twisted ideological interpretation of reality and self-justification for their spying and repression) for the LAPD, LA Sheriff, and the FBI. In other words, he's one of the architects of the ever-more-suffocating U.S. secret police state, conducted under the guise of preventing Muslim terrorists from blowing up the entire United States. (The absurdity of using the occasional inept attempt to blow up a plane or car as an excuse for this massive, hugely expensive secret police state may be unparalleled in human history. At least during the so-called "Cold War," the excuse they pointed to was an actual impressive power, the Soviet Union, that possessed thousands of nuclear weapons and so could theoretically actually destroy the U.S.)

Miller went on to bigger things as Assistant Director for Public Affairs at the FBI in Washington, D.C.; in other words chief propagandist for the FBI, the main Federal political secret police agency. But that isn't all he did there. He was also part of the "Strategic Execution Team" (SET), tasked with establishing performance measurement standards for "intelligence operations" (political spying, harassment, subversion and sabotage, and the occasional murder) across the FBI's 56 field offices.

Then, as I said, back to the big bucks at CBS, on the national level, where someone in his position would typically be paid seven figures annually (minimally high six).

To the Devil goes the rewards.

So, how many times has this operator hopped back and forth between the propaganda and secret police sectors of the power establishment? You go back and count.

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