Saturday, December 21, 2013

No Limit to Crass Cynicism of Western "Human Rights" Castigations of Foes

The Western media is administering daily verbal upbraidings to Russian President Vladimir Putin over the new anti-gay laws in Russia. The occasion for this politico-ideological offensive is the Olympics being held at Sochi, Russia.

The U.S. Government decided to stick it to Putin by appointing two prominent gays to represent the U.S. at the games, including former tennis star Billie Jean King.

What's truly cynical about all this is that until less than six months ago Federal law openly discriminated against gays. I'm referring to DOMA, the "Defense[sic] of Marriage Act." The heart of that law (not even the entire law) was only overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court in late June. And it was only after that court decision that the U.S. "Defense" Department officially moved to stop discriminating against gay servicepeople.

But you're not supposed to notice this.

I'm not saying Russia's anti-gay environment is not worthy of condemnation. But it takes extraordinary cynicism for countries like the U.S. (or various European allies, some of which are physically dangerous for gays to even live in- and just how do the Poles view gays? What is the position of the Roman Catholic Church on homosexuality?)  to hop on its high moral horse and twit the Russians about how backward they are on treating gays! Not even six months since the U.S. modified its own anti-gay national legislation! And it wasn't the legislature (Congress) that did it, it was the courts! (And it only took 'em 17 years to get around to it.)

I can speak on this because I was against anti-gay bigotry since I was a teenager, back in the 1960s. (It is germane to mention that I am a heterosexual, so I have no bias stemming from self-interest.) So the U.S. government is really a Johnny-Come-Lately on this.

But wait, there's more!!

In the Ukraine, the population is split on whether to tie themselves to the European Union (the fools actually think that would benefit them economically- they apparently haven't heard of Greece, Ireland, Spain, or Portugal! Or Italy either, for that matter) to stay in Russia's embrace. The eastern part of the country, and its industry, is completely tied economically to Russia, and thus the people there back the President, who got cold feet about signing a deal with the EU when Putin applied some pressure.

The pro-EU section of the population, apparently believing in mob rule, responded by occupying City Hall and the town square. For good measure, they poured water on the police in freezing temperatures.

Imagine what American police would do to protesters who dumped water on them. It wouldn't be pretty.

Consider the numerous instances in which protesters standing exactly where the police ordered them to were suddenly pepper-sprayed. Or were sitting down and doused, as happened on the University of California campus not long ago. (You can watch numerous videos of American police brutality on

During the Vietnam War, anti-war protesters were often savagely clubbed and kicked by police, infuriated by the "traitors" moral opposition to a criminal war of mass murder.

Any time there's a protest against one of the ruling parties' political conventions, or a confab of the political bosses of the "advanced" world (G-8, WTO, and other such obnoxious "summits" rubbing our faces in their power) there is police repression.

Yet the Ukrainian protesters who attacked the police were allowed to stay in occupation. Unlike the U.S. Occupy movement, which was brutally attacked and dispersed by police in a campaign coordinated by the FBI.

John Kerry, the U.S. Secretary of State, denounced the Ukrainian police action as "disgusting."

This from a guy whose boss oversaw the crushing of the Occupy Movement. This from a guy representing a country that smashes rallies against the WTO, G-8, and so on, whenever those organizations have a confab in the U.S. The U.S. police are far more intolerant of opposition rallies than the Ukrainian police have been.

Hypocrisy, once again thy name is America.

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