Friday, June 27, 2014

Germany Dumps Verizon for Government Communications- Damn You Edward Snowden!

The German government, a year after Edward Snowden informed the world that the NSA taps their chancellor’s cellphone and steals massive amounts of electronic data from German citizens (with the invaluable assistance of German secret police agencies) has finally bestirred itself to do something about it, after bleating ineffectually all this time for the U.S. to please promise to stop. [1]

It’s canceling a contract with U.S. telecom company Verizon for providing service to German government agencies.

No doubt U.S. police state apparatchiks and their politician enablers will be fuming at Edward Snowden for this- as if the Germans would have never figured out sooner or later that the NSA was stealing all their communications.

While the Germans are at it, may I suggest they purge their secret police agencies of disloyal types who would rather serve a foreign power than Germany? And physically expel the NSA spyposts from their soil? Otherwise they won’t be accomplishing much.

And don’t listen to U.S. guff about “counterintelligence” and “the war on terror” and “protecting lives.”

You can’t free yourselves if you don’t free your minds first.

But the plodding political hack Merkel won’t do these things, I predict. Let’s see if I’m right.

1] Which the U.S. refused to do. The one tiny concession made by Emperor Obama, who after stonewalling, finally said Chancellor Merkel’s personal cellphone wasn’t currently being tapped. He refused to apologize or even to admit to the tapping. Nor did he rule her office and home phones off limits. Anyway, Obama is a congenital liar, so his word is worthless in any event. He has lied repeatedly about NSA spying; he lied literally dozens of times about his health care act- “If you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan,” an obvious falsehood since his law mandated requirements for health insurance that millions of plans did not meet; he lied about being committed to so-called “network neutrality;” as a Senator running for president in 2008 he lied about intending to filibuster a bill immunizing telecoms from civil suits for illegally tapping phone and internet traffic for the NSA without warrants; indeed he has lied numerous times both running for office and while in power.

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