Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Why Diehards In Love With Bill Cosby's Image Who Refuse to Believe He's a Serial Rapist Don't Have a Leg to Stand On

We now know that many people for years had at least an inkling of Bill Cosby's criminal behavior of drugging and raping women.

Fifteen (and counting) women have now come forward and said he raped them.

Years ago, he settled a lawsuit in which 13 other victims were prepared to provide corroborating testimony for the victim suing him, in order to avoid going to trial.

One of his gofers has now said he passed hush money to some victims.

The diehards incurably in love with the longtime media IMAGE Cosby created (with help of major corporations of course, all for money) smear the victims by claiming they're after money. Only problem with that "theory" is that the allegations date from years ago, so statutes of limitations would preclude suing Cosby at this late date. Likewise criminal charges would be barred by statutes of limitations.

If the charges were false, the accusers would be exposing themselves to libel lawsuits by Cosby.

Finally, Cosby's own behavior is incredibly damning. He refuses to deny the charges. In fact, he literally refuses to utter a single word in response to them. During now at least two interviews, he has refused to answer a question about the matter at all. Would he not be loudly protesting his innocence if he was innocent?

Yes, he would.

People who fall in love with celebrities are idiots, at any rate. Serves them right to fall in love with a serial rapist. Hopefully they'll now be disillusioned. IT WAS ONLY AN ACT! HE'S A PERFORMER! A PROFESSIONAL ENTERTAINER! AND THE TV PROGRAMS WERE MAKE-BELIEVE! YOU IDIOTS!


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