Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Japanese "Authorities" Finally Admit A Cancer Case Caused By Fukushima "Accident"

The Japanese bosses have conceded a single cancer case attributed to the massive Fukushima nuclear reactor complex disaster. One whole case. One of the worker-drones dragooned into "cleaning up" the radioactive site has leukemia.

Actually there's been a huge increase in children getting thyroid cancer as a result of the disaster. But so far, Japanese officialdom won't admit it.

The infatuation of national bosses all around the world with nuclear power is mostly undiminished by this latest nuclear catastrophe. Their ardor undimmed, rulers in China, Britain, India, and elsewhere are going ahead with building more of these inherently dangerous, ticking time bombs. As far as I know, only one major country, Germany, took the hint from Fukushima and is phasing out its nuclear power plants.

Germany has also proven that renewable energy sources- wind, solar, hydropower- can in fact provide a large percentage of a country's electrical needs.

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