Saturday, May 14, 2016

Chinese Government Already Employing Trump Plan To Execute Families of "Terrorists"

Donald Trump should get along swimmingly with the Chinese autocrats should be become U.S. president. (That is, after he uses his amazing negotiating skills to tear up all the trade treaties with China and get better ones. Oh, and China's WTO deal too.) The Chinese rulers already put into effect one of his policy proposals, murdering the families of "terrorists." ("You have to take out their families," was part of what he said in a blood-curdling rant to the media.) Trump had in mind the families of ISIS members. For the Chinese rulers the terrorists are Uighurs (who are Muslims, as is ISIS) who fight back against Chinese repression with violent attacks.

To avenge a knife attack in September of 2015 that reportedly killed 50 Han Chinese, China committed a death squad raid in November, executing 17 Uighurs, including women and children thought to be the family of an alleged culprit. This occurred just weeks before Trump voiced his threat, raising the possibility that he got the idea from the Chinese. [1]

Trump is certainly amoral enough to commit such state crimes. And guess what? Obama has already established the precedent before either Trump or the Chinese, with his murder of the 16-year-old son of Anwar Al-Awlaki and the son's cousin and friends, in a drone attack on them as they ate by the side of the road, two weeks after killing the father in another drone attack. Which makes it passing strange that the establishment media acted as if Trump was advocating something new and surprising. Maybe they have amnesia. On purpose. [2]

The only public explanation ever for the murders of the teenagers that the Obama regime gave came informally from Obama henchman Robert Gibbs, when he was cornered by some young journalists and pressed on the matter. Namely, the Obama regime hated Anwar al-Awlaki, and thus was to blame for these U.S. murders. The way Gibbs phrased it also blamed the teenager for choosing a bad father. And I guess the other teens were guilty of being in the presence of a teen with a bad dad. [Here's the video of the despicable Gibbs.]

So maybe Trump just cribbed the idea from the Obama regime, and naturally didn't want to give them credit, since running as a Republican requires demonizing all Democrats (but not, ironically, demonizing them for the actual evil they do).

"Donald Trump Says He’d ‘Take Out’ Terrorists’ Families," Time, December 2, 2015

"Donald Trump Says Terrorists' Families Should Be Targets," New York Times, December 2, 2015.

"Trump on ISIS: Kill the terrorists' families," MSNBC, December 2, 2015.

"Trump: We have to take out ISIL members' families," Politico, December 2, 2015.

"Donald Trump on terrorists: 'Take out their families,'" CNN, December 3, 2015.

"Trump: I Would Intentionally Kill Families To Defeat ISIS," thinkprogress, December 15, 2015.

"Trump’s Call to Kill Family Members of Terrorists Is Quarter-Baked," National Review, December 18, 2015.

And the inevitable bald-faced lie from Donald "Slippery Eel" Trump: 

"Trump Says He Never Pledged To Kill Family Members Of Terrorists," Huffington Post, March 9, 2016.

All those videos of Trump saying kill 'em? Must have been a Trump imitator. Many, many, many people imitate Donald Trump. Just ask him. ["Donald Trump Denies Posing as His Own Publicist in 1991 Phone Call," Time, May 13, 2016.

1] "Police in China Kill 17 Linked to Mine Attack, Report Says," New York Times, November 18, 2015.

2] There were some ethical objections to these murders in certain more thoughtful precincts of the bourgeois media. But given how little commotion the murders created in the U.S., and how they are now completely forgotten, one is forced to conclude that U.S. society is gravely defective morally.

"Obama's Administration Killed a 16-Year-Old American and Didn't Say Anything About It. This Is Justice?," Esquire, July 9, 2012. Let me quote from the article: "Obama's expansive embrace of the power to kill individuals identified as America's enemies has transformed not only his presidency but probably all American presidencies to follow." Trump won't even be breaking new ground when he murders the families of "terrorists."

"How Team Obama Justifies the Killing of a 16-Year-Old American," The Atlantic, October 24, 2012.

"Robert Gibbs Says Anwar al-Awlaki’s Son, Killed By Drone Strike, Needs ‘Far More Responsible Father’," Huffington Post, October 24. 2012, updated April 8, 2013.

Lot of time spend doing this, unpaid.  Since the secret police stole the irreplaceable videotapes of the musical performances of my friend, I have plenty of time to attack their stinking system that I would be spending watching, digitizing, and editing those tapes. I'll be sharing the 40 years of persecution at their hands with my readers, with revealing details about the illegal operations and methods of the FBI, CIA, and police. They even used Mossad agents against me. Seriously. I won't be holding anything back.


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