Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Return of the Repressed: Pulling on 9/11 Thread Threatens to Unravel U.S.-Saudi Mass Murder Conspiracy

In the last few weeks, various segments of the U.S. media, and some mostly out-of-office politicians, have been agitating for the release of a suppressed 28-page segment of the joint Congressional inquiry into the 9/11/01  attacks in the U.S. that dealt with Saudi Arabian connections to the alleged al-Qaeda kamikaze plane hijackers. Rupert Murdoch's Fox "News" has had it's ranters jabbering away about the outrage of withholding the section, how the government is covering up. (But for some easy-to-guess reason they didn't once say "Bush," even though he was the president at the time, the guy who insisted on "classifying" the part of the report that damns the Saudi regime, the guy who fought against even having an investigating commission, and tried to put Henry Kissinger at its helm, and insisted that he and Cheney not testify under oath, and obstructed the commission in myriad ways. I'm sure many viewers had the impression it was all Obama's doing- after all, who personifies "the government" now?) John Lehman, a former Secretary of the Navy during the Reagan regime and member of the 9/11 Commission (separate from the Congressional inquiry) has called for the release of information on the Saudi government connection. Various other media commentators besides Murdoch's minions have similarly raised the issue.

For several years former Florida Senator Bob Graham has been pushing to get more information about the Saudi government connection to the al-Qaeda kamikaze attack of September 11, 2001, into the public domain. He has been in a tug-of-war with the FBI secret police agency, which, apparently following orders from first the Bush regime and now Obama, stubbornly refuses to divulge anything and rudely rebuffed Graham as a crank. [1]

This issue is currently getting new traction because a lawsuit by relatives of some of those killed on September 11, 2001, against the Saudi Arabian regime for its complicity in the attacks on the buildings, A previous lawsuit against the Saudis was dismissed by the U.S. courts. What is different now is a change in the political climate.

The Obama regime supposedly is poised to (very reluctantly) dribble out some bits of the suppressed 28-pages from the Congressional inquiry. [2]

The chair and co-chair of the 9/11 Commission, former New Jersey governor Thomas Kean and former right-wing Democratic Congressman Lee Hamilton (a past veteran of whitewashes) have suddenly piped up to tell people not to pay much mind to those 28-pages in the Congressional inquiry because the 9/11 Commission checked all that out and there was just one low-level Saudi contact with the hijackers. Which is a rather odd stance for them to take, because after the Commission issued its report, the two of them wrote a book, Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission, in which they say the Commission was "set up to fail"! So then, what makes you guys think you got to the bottom of things, hmmm? These guys write that the lies of the Pentagon and Federal Aviation Administration were so persistent that they toyed with the idea of doing an investigation of obstruction of justice by officials from those bodies. (But they punked out, of course. Lifelong made members of the establishment nomenklatura rarely sacrifice their privileges, status, and precious "reputations" for such fluff as morality, ethics, truth, justice, yadda yadda yadda.) [3]

It has long been known that Saudi diplomats and agents provided funds to the airplane hijackers. It is also no secret that the Bush regime barred the FBI from questioning numerous Saudis, including relatives of Osama bin Laden, and that an exception to the grounding of airline flight was made to hustle the Saudis out of the country in the days after 9/11/01.

As I mentioned, Bush and Cheney refused to provide testimony to the 9/11 Commission under oath. In other words, they wanted the freedom to lie.

The month before 9/11, the so-called "20th hijacker," Zacarias Moussaoui, was arrested in Minnesota after arousing suspicion in his flight-training school. He was pretext-charged with an immigration violation and held. The French secret police had informed the Americans that he was a "terrorist."

The FBI field office in Minnesota asked Washington FBI headquarters to obtain a FISA court warrant for Mousaoui's computer, and was refused, with the incredible excuse that the court would not grant such a warrant. (The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act "court" virtually never refuses warrant requests.) Moussaoui is a French national.

Two of the hijackers lived in San Diego, California, in the home of an FBI informer. After 9/11, the FBI refused to present the informer and his FBI handler to Congress for questioning.

The CIA tracked some of the hijackers into the U.S. and kept this secret from the FBI and from Richard Clarke, the chief counter-terrorism adviser on the National Security Council in the White House.

On the day of the attack the FBI immediately fingered 19 men as hijackers aboard the planes. A pristine passport for one of them magically survived the fireball and inferno of the plane crashing into one of the towers and was "found" on the ground.

These and numerous other facts indicate that the secret police were running a conspiracy to allow the attacks to occur.

But it's worse than that.

Overwhelming proof of the fact that three buildings in lower Manhattan were demolished by planted nano-thermite explosives is contained in a series of videos, ranging in length from a few minutes to over 2 hours, available on youtube. These explosives could only have been implanted, a process that would have taken days, by agents of the U.S. government. This was an act of high treason and fascist terrorism, designed to provoke an emotional reaction in the public that would be used by the culprits for their own political ends. 9/11 has elements of the JFK assassination, the Reichstag fire, and Operation Gladio rolled into one. [4]

It appears that the organizers of this conspiracy (which included Richard Cheney and to some unknown extent George Bush and other members of his family with close Saudi connections) intuited that the idea of such a crime would be literally unbelievable to people, and thus not comprehensible. Which is how they planned to get away with it. But the physical (and other) evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable. (Go watch the videos.) It would be physically impossible for even one of those three buildings to collapse straight down into their own footprints, at free fall rate, because planes crashed into two of them, as experienced architects and engineers know and explain.

That's why I say exposing the Saudi connection, pulling on that thread, is a dangerous act for establishment types, who apparently still don't comprehend the truth of the matter.

My theory is the Bush clan, with its close Saudi connections, was tipped to the al-Qaeda plot by the Saudi regime. Doubtless Saudi "intelligence" had long infiltrated al-Qaeda from its birth in the anti-Soviet Afghan war, when the U.S., Saudis, Pakistan, and various jihadists including Osama bin Laden were all on the same side.

The Bush-Cheney regime and elements within the Deep State of the secret police and military saw an opportunity to create the "second Pearl Harbor" they needed to carry out their long-standing goal of invading Iraq to replace Saddam Hussein, and ramming through police state laws greatly increasing the power of the secret police agencies (something Bill Clinton and then-Senator Joseph Biden tried and failed to do.

As a side note, I suspect the journalist Michael Hastings may have been murdered for pursuing the demolition of the World Trade Center buildings.

Now the Saudis are threatening to sell out their hoard of U.S. Treasury bonds if their role is dragged into the open. This rather hysterical response is an indication of guilt. If they aren't guilty, they would just defend themselves in court against the lawsuit by the victims' families.

9/11 is the story of a conspiracy wrapped around a conspiracy. The conspiracy by al-Qaeda was used as an element in a larger conspiracy enveloping it that took advantage of the much smaller conspiracy for its own ends. Both conspiracies achieved their aims. And while Osama bin Laden, coming from an engineering and construction family, probably understood that it wasn't the hijacked planes that caused the spectacular collapse of the towers, letting the credit/blame fall on him and al-Qaeda suited his interests. It made him and his organization appear fearsome and potent, it inspired and galvanized jihadists, and it provoked an attack by the U.S. Bin Laden's strategy was to provoke a war between the Western world and Sunni Muslim fundamentalism, as he made quite clear. Jihadists having beaten the Soviets, bin Laden was overconfident. Perhaps he forgot that the U.S. had his back in that war. In any event, the U.S. is now stuck in a Middle East quagmire, so the final chapter hasn't been written yet. Now the U.S. is wrestling with an even more vicious and fanatical foe, ISIS. And the U.S. has squandered trillions of dollars, mortgaging its future, which is a victory for bin Laden.

1] "Florida Ex-Senator Pursues Claims of Saudi Ties to Sept. 11 Attacks," New York Times, April 13, 2015. Graham, a Democrat, was a chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

2] "White House poised to release secret pages from 9/11 inquiry,AP, April 24, 2016.

3] "A Warning About the Secret 9/11 Pages," New York Times editorial page editor's blog, April 27, 2016. (Of course the New York Times is a reliable partner in any government cover-up.)

9/11 Commission entry at Wikipedia.org.

4] The videos proving the controlled demolitions of the buildings were produced by architects and engineers for 911 truth. Go watch them.

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