Monday, February 13, 2017

More Evidence Trump Voters Are Idiots. YES THEY ARE! YES THEY ARE!

More Evidence Trump Voters Are Idiots. YES THEY ARE! YES THEY ARE!

We're hearing a lot of apologia for the approximately 25% of the U.S. adult population who are morons. We're lectured to stop "condescending" to them, that we need to "talk" to them to "understand" them.

The problem isn't that people capable of rational thought and action don't "understand" Trump voters. The problem is that millions of Trump voters are SO IRRATIONAL that they vote against their OWN OBVIOUS SELF-INTEREST.

Case in point: this headline from the New York Times:

California Farmers Backed Trump, but Now Fear Losing Field Workers
Well DUHHH! Didn't these idiot farmers notice that their workers were Mexicans? And didn't they notice, for a whole two years, Trump attacking Mexican immigrants, calling them "rapists," and vowing, OVER and OVER and OVER AGAIN, to BUILD A WALL and MAKE MEXICO PAY for it? Those were effectively campaign slogans of his!    
This is one of many examples of the self-destructive nature of Trump voters, There will be more in the years to come.
Democratic voters suffer from a similar if less severe case of false hopes invested in con artists who they think will save them. But that's another story, which I have touched on in past essays.
For the vast majority of people in the U.S., if they voted for the party whose policies would benefit them, and avoid parties whose policies are harmful to them, the correct choice would be the Green Party. It would basically take a treatise for me to demonstrate that fact, which this is not. If large numbers of people would read it, it would be worth the effort. Merely stating it as fact sounds dogmatic, but it is not. I'm not particularly committed to the Greens. They simply are the best choice available. (Of course, to actually change the U.S., the malign power of the Deep State, the permanent military Goliath and the “black” government of secret police agencies, would somehow have to be neutralized. Congress would have to be captured, and the Judiciary largely restaffed with new judges. Oh, the media would have to be something other than the mouthpiece of corporate oligarchy and imperialism. Speaking of the corporate oligarchy, it too would have to be cut down to size. So voting Green is really just the start of a daunting political project. Only a change of consciousness on a mass scale among the population of the U.S. would make all this possible. That's a necessary (but not sufficient) precondition.
There's a hoary cliché that two things one should never discuss at family gatherings are religion and politics. That's because, for most people, both are matters of “faith” (irrational attitudes and belief) and not susceptible to rational discourse.
But then, the lack of rationality seems to be the curse of homo sapiens. (Global warming, anyone?) And an ingrained viciousness. (War, torture, repression...add your own examples.) That viciousness not only eliminated the Neandertals (I suspect) but helped make this species globally dominant, to the detriment of innumerable other species, and increasingly of itself.

If you want to waste your time reading a long, repetitive article that reports the obvious, you can read it by clicking on the title: California Farmers Backed Trump, but Now Fear Losing Field Workers,” New York Times, February 9, 2017.

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