Saturday, November 3, 2018

What They REALLY Mean When They Say "I Wish President Trump Would Tweet Less."

Republican politicians say this with some frequency. They trot out this stock phrase when they have to defend Trump, and/or justify their support for him and their refusal to criticize his latest outrage, whether something he said or something he did. Sometimes it's paired with advice that he focus more on "doing his job," i.e. doing more malicious actions that are part and parcel of the malign "Republican agenda." 

What they really mean is, I wish he'd stop being so explicit. It puts me on the spot, forcing me to defend insane and vicious statements, and threatens to arouse opposition to our horrible policies.

The "I wish he'd tweet less" trope is now being parroted by Republican voters in interviews with "the" media. When asked how Trump is "doing," or if he's "helping" them, they'll toss in the "wish he'd tweet less" line. 

What they really mean: I wish he'd stop saying what he thinks so I can continue to preserve my brain-dead illusions about who he is and what he wants to do.

The immoral GOP (Gang Of Plunderer) politicians are disciplined and fanatical and willing to be led by a narcissistic grifter mountebank who is irrational, erratic, and unpredictable, but who mostly delivers on their arch-reactionary, repressive, hyper-militaristic "agenda."  The Trump supporters among the populace- which apparently has increased in number to close to 50% of the population, amazingly enough- reject all the factual evidence, that is they reject reality- and insist on believing in the cons of Trump. Also his demagoguery appeals to their base instincts, their racial bigotry, their xenophobia, and their persecution complexes. Trump is a genius in one dimension of intelligence; emotional intelligence. Or to put it another way, he has great animal cunning, as all successful demagogues do, including the classic fascist dictators, Hitler and Mussolini. This confuses some people into seeing Trump as a fascist. He is an authoritarian and a bully. In terms of brutality, he actually hasn't outdone Obama The Drone Assassin or Bush The Torturer yet. But unlike them, he doesn't bother disguising his cruelties, but generally publicly revels in them. His base "base" is thrilled by a sense of vicarious vengeance against victims who have done them no harm. But by calling desperate, terrified refugees fleeing the Central American hellholes created by the U.S. "invaders," and holding publicity stunts to bellow about people murdered by illegal immigrants, Trump gives his bigoted, xenophobic followers an excuse to feel like victims of immigrants. Oh, and immigrants "stole" their jobs, employers didn't hire the immigrants to slash their own labor costs! 

There they go again, blaming those weaker than themselves instead of the actual culprits. What cowards they are.

"I talk so much and so loud and I fool soooo many people. It's terrific. It's terrific."

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