Thursday, February 13, 2020

Donald Trump Is The Most Transparent President In History, Hands Down

Several times a day Trump makes public pronouncements via Twitter of what he thinks, what he intends to do, what he wants to do, bluntly expressed, no mealy-mouthed opaque political rhetoric or bureaucratese. And he says it directly to the global public, unmediated and uncensored by media gatekeepers.

He even ISSUES ORDERS to government departments and officials by Twitter, allowing everyone else on earth to have knowledge of those orders in real time, at the same time the government officials being addressed do.

Barack Obama, on the other hand, was extremely secretive, sneaky, deceptive, and dishonest- after bragging he'd be the most transparent president! Worse than Nixon by far, he didn't merely seek the identity of leakers, as Nixon did, but ordered all Federal employees to spy on their co-workers and report on their attitudes. He allowed the NSA to spy on every single person in America and collect all their communications. He savagely persecuted honest whistleblowers, to create terror among Federal employees. He threatened to jail journalists, and engaged in wholesale wiretapping of their phones, such as at the AP.

But the corporate propaganda system ("the media") merely muttered about all this, while they screech that Trump is a threat to "the free press" and "the First Amendment" because he verbally insults them. 

That's all they care about- their own image.

As horrible as Trump is, in terms of transparency, and in terms of how he treats the press, he is miles above Barack Obama, and superior to any other president. And remember, the second U.S. president, John Adams, imprisoned publishers who criticized him, under the Alien and Sedition Acts. (Obama's favorite tool of repression was the Espionage Act, brought to us by another Democratic president, the Southern racist Woodrow Wilson.)

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