Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Michael Bloomberg Billionaire's Very Expensive Ego Trip Ends in Humiliation

World's Eight Richest Man spends over half a BILLION dollars ($500,000,000+, five hundred millions) on advertising to try and buy the presidency of the U.S.and only wins the Democratic Primary in American Samoa. And has to share the spoils with Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, who gets one delegate from Am. Samoa. Bloomberg promptly drops out of the running. (At the same time "endorsing" Joe Biden, for what that's worth. I'd reckon not much.)

"Hey Mini Mike, you're a Loser!" [The goon with the shaved head on the right is Bernard Kerik, erstwhile henchman to Rudolph Giuliani, convicted felon whose crimes were just wiped off the books by a presidential pardon from Donald Trump.]

In the first and only debate with the other contenders for the Democratic Party nomination for president, Bloomberg showed himself woefully unprepared to mix it up with people who weren't sycophantic towards him. For years, Bloomberg has been surrounded by courtiers, opportunists, fawning "journalists" (propagandists of the capitalist system) and people sucking up to him in hopes of scoring a handout. So when Elizabeth Warren asked him pointed, predictable questions about the awful sexism inside his company, and his personal misogyny, he was flummoxed. Nor has he been successful in whitewashing his blatantly racist police repression of black and Latino males, the massive violation of Constitutional rights by the "stock and frisk" program which saw 5 million illegal street frisks in New York City, which Bloomberg ruled for 12 years as a Republican mayor. (One in a thousand of these degrading, brutalizing attacks on minority males results in finding a weapon. Many more found marijuana, justifying an arrest.) A Federal judge eventually found the practice illegal, as they were not based on a particularized suspicion of those being thrown up against walls and having their pockets gone through. They were targeted by race.

The smarmy chair of the Democratic National Committee, Tom Perez, did nothing to adjust his candidate debate rules to prevent the elimination of both black candidates (Kamala Harris and Cory Booker), the sole Latino, and the only Asian (Yang), but changed the rules to allow Bloomberg to participate in a debate, by removing the minimum requirement to score a certain percentage in polls, and to have a certain number of donors. Bloomberg was allowed to have just one donor- himself. He'd have been better off if Perez had kept him off that debate stage!

Dependable Party apparatchik Perez is applauded by his master.

Now with his mountain of loot (estimated around $60 billion) half a billion lighter, Bloomberg can go back to buying influence and puff piece "reporting" about himself. The man showed off his vanity, conceit, and self-regard, insisting he and he alone could take on Trump, he and he alone was competent to run the U.S.

Apparently his self-vaunted competency didn't transfer to running a campaign for president. But the various "consultants" and media "experts" and operatives can smile at their newly-swollen bank accounts, as can the media companies that ran his ads.

Now the Democratic Party and its corporate media allies are going to shove Joe "I Love How Your Hair Smells!" Biden down our throats. Unless Bernie Sanders goes to the convention with an absolute majority of delegates, he's finished. The 700 or so "Superdelegates"- party hacks and lobbyists primarily- are solidly machine loyalists who will go almost 100% for Biden. Elizabeth Warren hasn't done better than third in any state so far, including in her home state, Massachusetts, which she currently represents in the U.S. Senate! (Peter Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar dropped out on successive days and immediately endorsed Biden, an obvious sign of a conspiracy by the Democratic Party hierarchy and rich donors. Only Tulsi Gabbard, who is totally marginal, is left along with Warren, Biden, and Sanders.)

Here are your choices under bourgeois "democracy." Now VOTE!

Biden spent his years in the Senate fighting school integration, passing draconian "crime" bills that made the U.S. the number one prisoner in the world- with 4.5% of the world's population the U.S. has 25% of the total global prison population!- greased the skids for the awful Clarence Thonas to score a lifetime perch on the Supreme Court, pushed hard for the Bush regime invasion of Iraq, assiduously promoted the interests of big banks and credit card companies at the expense of everybody else, and much more awfulness.

For how loathsome the segregationist, warmongering, tool of finance, mass imprisoner of blacks Biden is, type "Biden" in the search box on this webpage. Also see video Joseph Biden's Pedophiliac Impulses.

By the way, it's obvious from his confusion, garbled speech patterns, and incredible memory lapses as he's been campaigning (can't remember Obama's name at times) that Biden is in the early stages of senility. It's Reagan redux if he's elected.

Joseph Biden doesn't dwell on what he has wrought.

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