Monday, January 27, 2025

MARA- Make America (More) Racist Again

Trump cancelled an executive order of president Lyndon Johnson from 1965 to finally end racist discrimination in Federal hiring. So we're back to the era of Woodrow Wilson, the Democratic Party president (1913-21) and arch Southern racist who purged the Federal government of black employees. 

Trump has already done a lot of harm to the U.S. government and American society. He's revoked long-standing Federal government ethics rules, paving the way for his pre-planned tidal wave of corruption to enrich himself and the billionaire scum who toadied up to him, and bribed him with millions of dollars. [1]

The worst thing Trump has done is release 1,500 fascist terrorists from prison, mostly the mob of his stormtroopers who occupied the Capitol on January 6, 2021, seeking to maim or kill Nancy Pelosi and hang Trump's vice president on his instigation, Michael Pence. Two  of those freed were guilty of seditious conspiracy, the leaders of two violent stormtrooper-type organizations with a history of beating up small groups of progressive protesters with police complicity (who stand by smiling or simply do nothing) and genuine journalists (not establishment media propagandists who don't cover such protests. These two, Enrique Tarrio and Elmer Stewart Rhodes III, led respectively the violent fascist gangster groups Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, who in addition to storming and semi-sacking the Capitol on January 6, 2021, specialize in beating up defenseless gays, anti-war protesters, real journalists, and assorted other objects of their hate, with complicity from police and prosecutors who allow it. This is the same situation that prevailed in the Weimar Republic, which paved the way for the Third Reich.

Now the U.S. is entering a phase parallel to the Third Reich. Six million Jews won't be murdered, but millions of Palestinians might be. Trump has called for Gaza to be "cleaned out" ( of its human filth, the Palestinians) and is trying to coerce Jordan and Egypt to take them. After that, he and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, want to "develop" Gaza as a tourist destination, as their comments have made clear. Of course, the Palestinians could do this if Israel and Egypt didn't run Gaza as an open air concentration camp, blocking virtually all entry and exit. The Nazis also had schemes to deport Jews to Madagascar, but ultimately opted for extermination. If deportation of the Palestinians doesn't pan out, extermination, which can be accomplished by disease and starvation as well as by "kinetic" means, will be the only way left to "develop" Gaza for Trump, Kushner, and Israel.

1] Elon Musk, the South African apartheid racist, spent $250,000,000 to help elect Trump. Amazon boss Jeffrey Bezos, and Meta boss Mark Zuckerberg, each gave $1,000,000 to Trump's "Inauguration Committee." That entity took in a total of $250 million. Of course only a small fraction of that got spent on the one day inauguration. The bulk of it can be used for any purpose Trump desires, as no law controls its use. Not that Trump would obey any law. He has already trampled several laws in just his first few days in the White House. He fired the Inspector Generals of over a dozen Federal agencies and Departments, in violation of the law requiring Congress be given 30 days prior notice. He has fired civil servants illegally. He dismissed the top four officials in the Immigration court system. Indeed, he is living up to his threat to be a dictator- and for more than "one day," which he cynically said he would be when asked about it.



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