Friday, February 10, 2012

Greek Economy Being Systematically Strangled To Death: U.$. Media Mostly Blacks It Out

The Greek people are being savagely assaulted. The foreign financiers and their political stooges who now rule Greece are demanding the Greek political hacks rubberstamp the latest “austerity” plan- the fifth round of vicious economic warfare attacks on the Greek people in just two years (a rarely mentioned fact in U.$. media “coverage” of Greece, whose main obsession is to make the Greeks pay off bondholders and stay trapped in the euro).

Hundreds of millions of euros MORE are to be cut from pensions. ANOTHER 150,000 public sector jobs will be eliminated in the next four years. No explanation how these workers will support themselves. Private sector workers are getting another 20% pay cut. Private business has collapsed. With no money to spend, people do not produce enough demand to keep businesses afloat, much less allow those businesses to hire the unemployed. The public health care system no longer can care for many of the sick.

In other words, the economy has been forced into a death spiral. More layoffs, more cuts in people's income, means less demand, less economic activity, leading to business failures and more unemployment. And international finance capital has imposed all this without even needing a military coup!

Here’s a telling incident that provides a revealing glimpse into the stone-hearted ruthlessness of the political enforcers of the finance capitalist social order that imposes misery on millions:

German Chancellor Angela Merkel appeared at a student forum in Berlin February 7th. A young Greek woman studying at University there addressed Her Eminence in a voice quavering with emotion:

“I am here as a representative of a generation, my generation in Greece, which at the moment is really in despair.”

Merkel’s response to this plaintive cry?  That she is aware that Greece is “in a very complicated situation at the moment.” (A nice and vague dodge hinting of “technocratic” complexities beyond the ken of mere peons whose rations are being cut to the bone, for the best of reasons, of couse!) However, what is most important, Merkel instructed, is that what is euphemized as “the difficult choices” (code for savage attacks on the standard of living of the masses, the same code used in the U.S. by those propagandists and ideologues of plutocracy who urge the politicians to slash Social Security, Medicare, and all other social spending in the name of avoiding alleged fiscal Armageddon) “would not be perceived as something imposed from the outside.” I.e. the main thing is to obfuscate what’s being done to Greece from the Greek people, so they’ll blame themselves, and/or their own politicians, or even adopt the illusion that they themselves are voluntarily choosing to “sacrifice” to pay off the foreign bondholders. Merkel went on to rue the fact that this level of mystification had not yet been achieved: “I do not believe that has been a success yet.” Notice the yet. Apparently they aren’t through trying to brainwash the Greeks yet.

But give Merkel credit for not feigning sympathy or, even worse, compassion, like arch con man Bill Clinton might have done. No one in Europe has any excuse for not understanding what’s going on.

The U.$. media of course agrees with Merkel about what’s most important. The New York Times, for example, headlines its front page story February 10th as “GRECE SIGNS OFF ON SWEEPING CUTS TO CALM LENDERS.” Calming “lenders” is Job One. Subhead: “A BID TO AVOID DEFAULT.”
But, according to the second subhead: “European Officials Want More, but Deal Is Expected to Pass.”
Maybe they won’t relent until Greeks are literally starving to death from lack of food? Because right now a huge number of Greeks can no longer make their shelter payments. Unemployment is at 21%, at least.

The article begins: “Global financial markets received a reprieve on Thursday after Greek political leaders agreed to sweeping new austerity measures that should unlock the financing Greece needs to avert a potentially damaging default in March.” That’s the first paragraph in its entirety.

So “financial markets”- i.e. financiers and speculators- are the ones in peril who need a reprieve, not the Greek people, who are being brutally punished, with no options except to die, it would seem. And just what or who would be “damaged” by default? “Financial markets,” apparently.

Oh, and the latest assault on the Greek people includes a huge gouge in the minimum wage, to make sure multimillionaire financiers get their dough.

If you’re a businessman, you’ll be treated to a blunter headline on the first page of the NY Times Business Day section: “Banks Come First in a Greek Rescue Plan.” (By the way the Times frequently hides stuff they don’t want their general readership to see in the Business Section. Corporate crime news, dangerous pharmaceutical news, environmemtal pollution news, the banks’ criminality in filing bogus legal papers in thousands of foreclosure cases, these are some examples of news they’ve hidden there.)

Aljazeera's latest report on the reality in Greece, the reality the U.$. media mostly hides, gives examples like that of a military pensioner having his pension cut in half, while at the same time being forced to support his adult sons and daughter in law, two of whom have lost their jobs and have no other source of income, one of whom had his pay cut in half, to $1,000 a month.

Of course, virtually the entire American public is cut off from Aljazeera on TV, since the media masters have decided it is inappropriate fare. Cable companies provide hundreds of channels per customer, many of them empty, the vast majority filled with crap and incredible trivia, but “no room” for Aljazeera, they claim. This is what they cynically call, in best Orwellian fashion, “the free press.”

Yes, you can seek Aljazeera out yourself on the internet, and get some of its content there. But only a minority of people use the internet for news, and especially older people use it very little or not at all.

The U.S. hasn't yet gone the China route and blocked internet access to Aljazeera. But just wait, the U.S. has been getting more and more repressive ever since the ferment of the 1960s and early 1970s.

They just officially passed a law giving them the “right” to imprison dissidents in their military gulag indefinitely, without charges, trial, lawyers, or legal recourse, simply by slapping the label “terrorist” on them, a label routinely applied to progressive protesters, environmental activists, and peace activists, by the FBI and state and local police. And the government already can, and has, seized websites it deems to infringe some big corporation's copyrights. Would blocking Aljazeera be such a big deal for them? Some civil libertarians and media critics will carp, and get very little coverage for doing so, but other than that, and maybe a lawsuit dragged interminably through the bourgeois courts, nothing will happen. So why not? Don’t be surprised if it happens.

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