Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Israel Tries To Lie U.S. Into Bombing Iran

Moshe Yaalon, Israel’s vice prime minister and minister of strategic affairs, said in a speech in Israel that Iran is developing a missile with a range of 6,000 miles to attack the U.S. with.

American officials think that’s bunk.

The obvious motive is to con the U.S. into bombing Iran. (Like Senator John McCain literally sang about doing when he was running for President in 2008.)

With “allies” like these…

But actually Israel has often made itself useful to the U.S., by bolstering the worst regimes in the world, regimes with such a putrid political odor that the U.S. has at times handed off the chore of supplying them with arms and training for their state terrorists to Israel. Somoza, Guatemala, the apartheid regime, Argentina, are all examples of this.

This is truly an alliance made in hell, an alliance between two devils.

Of course, the Iranian regime is pretty loathsome too.

I guess the best thing that could happen might be a war in which they mess each other up.
Unfortunately the big losers in that will be the people who will bear the brunt of the suffering, the Iranian people. (Especially the way the U.S. fights wars- it is willing to maximize “enemy” civilian casualties to minimize its own military ones- which is criminal under the laws of war. So go try and arrest them!


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