Thursday, September 17, 2015

Jeb Bush “Knows One Thing For Sure” about Brother George: “He Kept Us Safe”

For sure, huh? So refresh my memory: WHO was president of the U.S. on September, 11, 2001? The day that “3,000 Americans were murdered in the Greatest Act Of Terrorism On American Soil Ever” as we have been indoctrinated?

Why, it was George W. Bush. The same George Bush Jeb “knows” “kept us safe.” (For some reason, Trump didn't point out this very obvious fact.)

You see, in November 2000, five GOP operatives on the Supreme Court coronated him president.

But as Ronald Reagan said, “facts are stupid things.”

Jeb then had the brass to cite a photo of his brother with his arm around a firefighter at the site of the demolished World Trade Towers to substantiate his point! Amazing. No risk of reminding people of how “safe” Bush kept “us.” (By the way, government agents demolished the towers plus 7 World Trade Center. Go to the many educational videos put out by the thousand-strong organization Architects and Engineers For 9/11 Truth and unbrainwash yourself.)

The mob of hand-picked GOP cadres making up the audience howled lustily and cheered when Jeb said “He kept us safe.” Were they all Bush operatives? Or just complete imbeciles?

Here's the relevant exchange from the debate transcript:

BUSH: Here's the facts: When Donald Trump talks about judgment, what was his position on who would've been the best negotiator to deal with Iran? It wasn't a Republican; it was Hillary Clinton. That's what you believe. I mean, the lack of judgment and the lack of understanding about how the world works is really dangerous in this kind of time that we're saying.

So is that the judgment that you bring to the table, that Hillary Clinton...

TRUMP: If you think about it...

BUSH: ... is a great negotiator, that she could bring about a better deal on Iran?

TRUMP: Your brother -- and your brother's administration gave us Barack Obama, because it was such a disaster, those last three months, that Abraham Lincoln couldn't have been elected.

BUSH: You know what? As it relates to my brother, there's one thing I know for sure. He kept us safe.
I don't know if you remember...
BUSH: ... Donald...
BUSH: ... you remember the -- the rumble? You remember the fire fighter with his arms around it? [sic] He sent a clear signal that the United States would be strong and fight Islamic terrorism, and he did keep us safe.

TRUMP: I don't know. You feel safe right now? I don't feel so safe

Bellow on, O Mighty Trump!

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