Friday, September 4, 2015

With The Power Invested In Her By Her God, Kentucky County Clerk Declares Marriage Licenses Null and Void

Kim Davis, the Christian fanatic and elected county clerk of Rowan County, Kentucky, has decreed from her jail cell that the marriage licenses being issued in her absence by deputy clerks in the office aren't worth the paper they're written on.

Davis was jailed for contempt of court after defying the Federal Judiciary, which ordered her to issue marriage licenses to gay (and straight) couples seeking to marry. Davis has been refusing to issue any marriage licenses, claiming to do so would violate her religious beliefs. (Beliefs she insists on imposing on others.)

The Federal court got involved when four couples seeking to marry- two heterosexual ones and two homosexual- brought suit against Davis for preventing them from legally marrying in her bailiwick.

The Federal District court judge who was finally forced to jail her, David Bunning, has offered to free her if she would not interfere with her underlings' performance of their duties. She refuses. In other words, contrary to her and her supporters' propaganda, this isn't about her being forced to violate her own conscience, this is about her imposing her will on others. No one is violating her rights. She is violating the rights of others.

Davis has previously avowed that licenses issued by her deputies against her will would not be valid.

There has been fatuous comparisons between Davis' assault on the rights of others (and her refusal to carry out the duties of her public office) and civil disobedience by dissidents fighting to establish human rights or protest crimes against humanity. What she is doing is the exact opposite. She is using state power, the power of her position and office, to violate the rights of others to marry.

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