Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Coming Rehabilitation of Rupert Murdoch

It's going to be "the poor old man, he spent a lifetime building a business, and now it's being destroyed around him," blah blah. Already he's being painted as the victim. Some clown publicity hound tried to throw a plate of shaving cream at him during his appearance in Parliament today and got some on his suit. His half-century-younger than him Dragon Lady wife clawed at the "attacker" (prankster) like a lioness defending her cub. No doubt that scored some points with the old reactionary. (She's always working him to get a bigger cut of his "empire" for her offspring. Rupert's adult children are by a previous marriage.)

The despicable Wall Street Journal is leading the charge already. He owns it now, but it would be defending him anyway, only maybe with not as much fervor if he didn't own it.

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