Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Murdoch's "Apology"

Rupert Murdoch's hired P.R. guns crafted an "apology" which appears as full page ads in UK newspapers on Friday. They also prepped him to visit the parents of Milly Dowling, the murdered 13 year old girl whose cellphone was hacked by his minions for "scoops," and who deleted messages to make room for more, deceiving her parents and police into thinking she was still alive. We are told he "held his head in his hands" and "repeatedly apologized." (Wonder how much he saves in settlement money with each "I'm sorry"?) They also prepared him for appearing before Parliament, going through rehearsals.

We can gauge the sincerity of all these games by comparing it to the interview he gave to his own Wall Street Journal on the same Friday. There, he denounced the facts in Parliament as "total lies," said his minions only made "small mistakes," his henchmen had handled the scandal "extremely well in every way possible," and grumpily added that he was "getting annoyed" and "tired" with the criticism.

Of course, Murdoch and his minions have been lying and covering up for years now about their crimes. And destroying evidence- thousands of emails and an editor's computer.  And Murdoch has a lilfelong pattern of amoral ruthlessness. This fish rots from the head.

The fact is, Rebekah Brooks and Les Hinton are two long-time top henchmen of Murdoch's. Hinton has been with him for 52 years. Now both have been thrown overboard, resigning in an attempt to cauterize the bleeding.

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