Friday, April 3, 2015

Deranged Netanyahu Calls Iran Surrender a “Threat to Israel’s Existence”

And it “legitimizes” Iran’s nuclear program, he thunders. In other words, it’s illegitimate for Iran to have ANY nuclear power reactors, produce ANY isotopes for me, medical treatments, to enrich ANY uranium to even 3.67% (you need 95% enrichment for weapons’ use).

Netanyahu decreed that any deal must force Iran to stop intervening in other countries in the region. A truly amazing demand.  And an ironic one, in light of the adamant U.S. refusal of Iran’s repeated requests to discuss all issues. The U.S. has always insisted on dealing with the nuclear issue in total isolation to all else.

Oh yes, Netanyahu also demands total dismantlement of all Iranian nuclear projects and programs.  Well of course!

And get this; Netanyahu is demanding that any deal must force Iran to recognize Israel (as a Jewish state, of course). 

Rest assured, if Iran were to cravenly knuckle under to all these ridiculous demands from Israel (which isn’t even a party to the negotiations) Netanyahu would add NEW demands, just as he has done every time the Palestinians have surrendered to his “conditions” for “peace talks.” 

Of course, the Western media always gives prominence to Israeli and Zionist operatives on any topic they want to weigh in on. For example, the BBC hauled Dore Gold on (a fanatical Israeli imperialist and adviser to Netanyahu until last December) to attack the nuclear deal. “Connect the dots,” he intoned ominously, and then went through a litany of Iranian activities in the region, concluding that Iran seeks regional “dominance” (which would supplant Israel as regional hegemon, he neglected to mention- and the nice BBC lady didn’t point that out) and is “imperialist.” (Look who’s talking.) 

What that has to do with a nuclear power reactor that will be crippled so it can’t produce plutonium, or to small amounts of barely-enriched uranium that will be under constant foreign surveillance, Dore didn’t say, and wasn’t asked. [1]

What is clear from his screed is that Israel’s real motive and goal is to crush Iran, as it had the U.S. do to Iraq, and the nuclear weapons bogeyman is just a scare tactic to drive towards that goal. Speaking of wrecking Iraq, that worked out real well, didn’t it? It greatly increased the Iranian influence that Gold and his ilk wax hysterical about. It opened the door for even more virulent Islamofascism, first in the form of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, and now the even more evil “Islamic State.”

But maybe the Israelis are happy with this state of affairs. They see the U.S. dragged ever-deeper into military involvement in the region, fighting Israel’s enemies. The Saudis and the other Arabian peninsula oiligarchies lined up behind the Saudis form tighter relations with Israel. And Netanyahu used the “turmoil” in the region as an excuse why there can be no Palestinian state “at this time,” in a post-Israeli election interview on U.S. television. (Pop Quiz: When is it the “right time” for a Palestinian state? Answer: No time.

Extremists thrive on crises. Sometimes they even create them in order to take advantage of the resulting fear and chaos and use them as excuses to put in motion their evil plans. Examples are the use of three kidnapped and killed Israeli teens to justify a mass roundup and rampage on the West Bank, precipitating the desired response of Hamas rocket fire (thus justifying the latest “lawn mowing” of Gaza by Israel- that is, mass destruction and slaughter); the Reichstag fire; and the controlled demolitions of three buildings in lower Manhattan on September 11, 2001, to justify invading Iraq and instituting a more repressive police state in the U.S.

Israel’s U.S. puppets and fellow travelers wasted no time popping up behind Netanyahu. For example, within hours of the announcement of the surrender terms, a Republican Senator, Ron Johnson, popped up on U.S. government propaganda radio network NPR to rant that it was a “bad deal.” This is insane. (See my previous essay, below, to see just how completely detached from reality these denunciations are.)

And while Iranians were deliriously dancing in the streets, falsely believing that their suffering was about to end (untrue- see the following essay), it was reported that Iranian “hard liners” complained sourly that the deal gave away too much for too little. (Objectively, they’re right.) The Iranian Foreign Minister, Zarif, dishonestly put a positive spin on it, claiming to have saved Iranian “pride” because no facilities will be shut down completely. He didn’t mention the huge amount Iran was forced to surrender. (See details in previous essay below.) He also falsely claimed that “all sanction” will be lifted. (See below.) In fact, the U.S. will continue sanctions it imposed using “terrorism,” “ballistic missiles,” and “human rights abuses” as alibis. And UN sanctions won’t be lifted until not only has Iran gutted its nuclear programs and torn out the core of the Arak reactor and rebuilt it to the winning side’s specifications, Iran also has to answer all past questions the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) deems Iran hasn’t satisfactorily answered. But some of those “questions” are based on fabricated documents fed to the IAEA by Israeli (and U.S.) “intelligence.” Iran already answered those questions- the documents are forgeries. Now Iran will be forced to pretend the forgeries are genuine, and falsely plead guilty to weapons activity, if it wants UN sanctions lifted! 

And if and when Iran surrenders to THAT outrageous demand, you can bet that Netanyahu and his eager stooges will be braying that “You see? We TOLD you Iran can’t be trusted! This is a bad deal!” 

And John McCain can treat us to another chorus of his song, “Bomb bomb bomb, bomb Iran.”
Well, what do you expect from an unreconstructed war criminal?

In summary, Netanyahu is perhaps the world’s most dishonest politician. It is simply deranged to say that this deal, which puts Iran in a straitjacket for 25 years and disembowels its nuclear program, is a “threat to Israel’s existence.” It is a telling proof of the intellectual and ethical bankruptcy, and of the moral cowardice, of the U.S. media and political establishments that they treat Netanyahu’s insane propaganda as serious and legitimate. Worse, many in those establishments bellow their agreement with this nonsense.

The unreasonableness of the world’s superpower creates insoluble problems and makes life worse for everybody. The sad truth is that, as loathsome as the Chinese ruling class is, it is far more rational than the U.S. one, and amazingly there may actually be global benefits when China supplants the U.S. as the global dominator. Which, if the U.S. keeps up its idiotic behavior, is likely to happen. They just drove Russia into China’s arms by creating a crisis in Ukraine, instead of enlisting Russia in a coalition to contain China. Smart. That’s the American elite: drunk on power as usual.

1] BBC “World Service,” April 3, 2015.

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