Friday, April 3, 2015

Somali Islamofascists Slaughter Students in Kenya

Al-Shabab, the Somali Islamofascist terrorist mob, is boasting about its mass murderous attack on a Kenyan university. The death toll has been revised upwards- from 2 to 147. Others are missing. Many were wounded.
The terror raid started with a mad killing spree according to survivors. Some Al-Shabab mouthpiece put out the propaganda that they separated Muslims from Christians and spared the Muslims. That certainly wasn't true initially. So Al-Shabab lied. What a surprise.
Al-Shabab offered two justifications for their latest atrocity. First, that they are at war with Kenya (okay, so you just committed a war crime, guys), and that this region of Kenya belongs to Somalia. (The majority of the region are Kenyan citizens of Somali extraction.) So you just murdered a slew of fellow Somalis, people you think you have the right to rule.
Initially there were said to be 10 or so attackers. After a day, when the Kenyan forces reestablished control, the number was put at 4. I'm skeptical that so few could kill so many, (plus the wounded), especially as the students would be fleeing. BBC had reported that one terrorist who ran off early was captured. Haven't heard another word about that.
A Kenyan former security officer said they had intel 3 months ago about a possible attack on the college. A government spokesperson said they had word of LOTS of targets.
Still, there were only two guards on site (both murdered), but an army base is nearby.
Lefties and pacifists have a simple solution: just negotiate with these bloodthirsty lunatics. Talk to them! Let’s understand each other.
Well I for one understand these deranged murderers quite well. And they don’t have the slightest interest in understanding anyone else.
But to all the handwringers who advocate “negotiating,” I invite you to go to Somalia and negotiate with Al-Shabab. Go to Afghanistan and “talk” to the Taliban. Go to Nigeria and talk Boko Haram into freeing the schoolgirls it kidnapped and dragooned into sexual slavery. Test your theory.

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