Saturday, April 11, 2015

Iran’s Big Boss Demands All Sanctions Be Lifted At Beginning of Nuclear Deal

Iran’s ultimate ruler, “Supreme Leader” Ayatollah  Ali Kamenei, has publicly announced that foreign sanctions against Iran must be lifted when Iran signs the nuclear deal complying with the foreign demands to cripple its nuclear program. This is completely at odds with the 4-page outline agreement the White House released at the beginning of April. That outline specifies that Iran FIRST has to comply with all the terms imposed on it and then some sanctions will be eased. So the theocratic autocrat of Iran has just dumped a bucket of cold water on the deal. Perhaps this is a negotiating ploy, and the sides will come to some compromise by June. The Iranian officials who negotiated the outline agreement already contradicted the Obama regime’s written outline before this. (An actual deal is supposed to be agreed by June 30.)

Under the outline released by Obama’s White House, all sanctions will not be lifted even AFTER Iran complies with the diktat of the six nations ganging up on it. (The so-called P5+1; the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, which are the U.S., UK, France, Russia, and China, plus Germany.) For one thing, the White House outline specifically states that sanctions that were imposed to punish Iran over “support for terrorism,” “human rights,” and ballistic missiles, are unaffected. (That’s rich, given that the U.S. is the greatest cause of terrorism in the world since 1945, by far; it is responsible for massive “human rights violations”- torture and murder- all over the world in numerous countries by installing and supporting fascist regimes; and of course has two large ballistic missile arms, one for the Air Force, one for the Navy, carrying nuclear warheads, on land and in submarines. Each missile has up to 12 nuclear warheads, independently targetable.)

For another thing, regarding just the sanctions the U.S. Congress imposed on Iran ostensibly over its nuclear program, ONLY the U.S. Congress can actually LIFT those sanctions, as opposed to the president temporarily suspending them. And given that the U.S. Congress is slavishly loyal to the State of Israel, this will never happen unless there’s a pro-Israeli regime in Tehran. [1] After the White House unveiled the outline, Netanyahu immediately demanded that any deal must include Tehran’s recognition of Israel, ceasing support for “terrorism,” and basically withdrawing from the region Iran inhabits. (Israel of course is free to continue to attack neighboring countries and maintain a nuclear arsenal of hundreds of weapons, not to mention continue its daily gross violations of human rights. But mentioning any of that is either “anti-Semitic” or the mark of a “self-hating” Jew. So we won’t mention it. I hate being called names, don’t you?)

And there will never be a pro-Israeli regime in Tehran (not as long as the Israelis keep oppressing the Palestinians, at any rate) unless the U.S. manages to overthrow the Iranian government, and maybe reestablish the Peacock Throne and put the Shah’s son on it. (I’m being facetious- I hope. With some of the fanatical reactionaries in the U.S. power structure, one cannot assume any degree of rationality. These are people who blew up three buildings in lower Manhattan on September 11, 2001, and ever since everyone is pretending two airplanes did it. If you can get away with that, you probably think you can get away with anything. [2])

The next president will be even more “pro-Israeli” than Obama is. Obama has gagged a little at some of the shit Israel has forced him to eat. (Like announcing “settlement” expansion at the exact moment a high U.S. official like VP Joseph Biden is visiting Israel, or arranging for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to address his puppet U.S. parliament behind Obama’s back.) It’ll either be Hillary Clinton, or some Republican. Either way, the next U.S. president will be ardently Zionist, out of fear or conviction or a combination of the two. So that president will immediately be under intense pressure to unsuspend any sanctions Obama suspended. Then Iran will have the worst of both worlds. It will have largely dismantled its nuclear program and handed over its stockpile of enriched uranium, plus destroyed the core of the Arak power reactor, and STILL be getting economically crushed, since the U.S. controls the world financial and banking system, and oil is sold in U.S. dollars, and the U.S. has the power to punish nations and foreign companies that violate ITS sanctions on Iran (or on Cuba, North Korea, Sudan, etc.).

But at that point, ex-president Barack Obama can claim that was his clever plan all along!
Of course, the real goal is what is euphemistically called “regime change,” that is, overthrowing the government of Iran. Now I don’t particularly care if the horrid religious autocrats who impose themselves on the Iranian people are overthrown. I hope someday they are. But Iranians will have to do it. 

Remember the last time “the West” overthrew the Iranian government was when it was a democracy, back in 1953, when the president, Mossadegh, was smeared as a communist and deposed in a CIA-MI-6 organized coup, complete with mob violence and black agit-propaganda. (The usual CIA playbook, used over and over.) The horrible Shah was installed as dictator, compiling the worst human rights record in the world according to Amnesty International, killing 250,000 Iranians during his rule, and finally being overthrow in 1979. Then, AFTER the U.S. granted him refuge, the U.S. embassy in Tehran was seized in response, and discovered to be a nest of espionage, subversion, and “covert ops” (crimes); in other words, a typical U.S. embassy. The U.S. then stole billions of dollars from Iranian bank accounts, which it proceeded to hand out to foreign (especially U.S.) corporations that had sweetheart contracts with the Shah’s regime. Even unfulfilled contracts were paid off involuntarily. To this day the World Looter U.S. holds Iranian assets.

But nowadays, things are different. With the demise of the Soviet Union and the capitalist road taken by the one-party dictatorship of China, run by the absurdly misnamed “Communist” Party of China, “communist” has been replaced as a political curse word and license to commit mass murder and mayhem by the epithet “terrorist.” So now one’s enemies, be they environmentalists, peace activists, anti-Wall Street, protesters, or whoever, are “terrorists.” (No joke. That’s what the FBI and police in the U.S. call them, in private. Our state fascists like to be discreet, you understand.)

So do you see the great changes that have occurred? Different nomenclature now. In “the West” at any rate. Not in China, where the rulers still babble in a cheap burlesque pseudo-socialist lingo, a sort of pigeon Marxism, and where Mao’s successors and inheritors of the totalitarian system he built still pretend to be “communists.” As indeed Mao pretended to be. A system of totalitarian socialism with a cult ruler at its apex is the diametrical opposite of communism. Communism means no state, that is, no government, and no classes, meaning complete equality of economics and power. It is a pure democracy, where all power is in effect communal. It may be a utopian fantasy or an actual human possibility, but it most certainly was NOT what the Soviet Union was, what China was or is, what North Korea is, what the auto-genocidal Khmer Rouge brought to Cambodia, what the relatively benign Cuban dictatorship is. That’s just a matter of definition. And Karl Marx defined communism, not I.

Anyway, good luck to the political rulers in Tehran, Washington, D.C., Jerusalem, and elsewhere. Thank you for bringing peace and prosperity to your subjects.

1] The evidence of Israeli control of Congress is voluminous and overwhelming, and well documented by now. A particularly stark manifestation of Congress’ slavish submission to Israel is the rapturous frenzy with which “the representatives of the American people,” as they cynically style themselves, greeted the Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu earlier this year, when he and Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner stuck their thumbs in Obama’s eye by having Netanyahu address Congress without even telling Obama.  It looked like a totalitarian ruler appearing before his puppet parliament. Unreal. And it took chutzpah to deliberately insult the head of the World’s Only Superpower, on which Israel depends for support. Alan Dershowitz would approve. See “Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's Full Speech To Congress (March 3, 2015).” His name is misspelled in that title. It’s Binyamin. Back when he was still an American some decades ago, he went by the moniker Ben Nitay.

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