Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cruel Hoax Of Arab League “Observers” Is Getting More Syrians Murdered

Like night follows day, the predictable happens.

You put a murderous war criminal in charge of checking up on the crimes of another bloodthirsty regime, and naturally he gives it a clean bill of health.

That’s already what’s happening with the charade of the Arab League “Observer Mission” in Syria.
The head of that mission is a Sudanese General, Mustafa al-Dabi, a long-time accomplice to indicted war criminal “President” Omar al-Bashir. Al-Dabi was a military commander in Darfur in 1999, where he oversaw torture and murder. Apparently he did such a good job that he was made head of military “intelligence,” where he oversaw more torture and murder.  While in Darfur, he initiated the Janjaweed terrorist campaign, those Arab thugs on horseback who raided African villages to rape, plunder, and murder. (I define “terrorism” as deliberate violent attacks on civilians with political motivation. Not the U.S. Government and media definition, which is “people/countries we don’t like” such as Cuba, or “political dissidents” like environmental and peace activists, or “people protesting things we don’t want protested,” as the FBI has confidentally advised police around the nation the Occupy movement is.)

Al-Dabi says that things in Homs are “reassuring.” He added that he saw “nothing frightening.”

Well, why would he be frightened? His Syrian soulmates aren’t trying to murder him. So that’s probably literally true. Also he probably is “reassured” by how remorseless the Assad regime is in murdering anyone who makes a peep against its tyranny.

A video has circulated showing the body of a 5 year old boy murdered by Assad’s “security forces” (the universal euphemism for government goons) in Homs, being laid on the hood of the “observers’” car, so they could “observe” it, I guess. They couldn’t have cared less.

The besieged residents of Homs report that the attitude of the “observers” is indifference. They are unshockable.

Then again, remember who the head of the “Observer Team” is. No doubt he approves of Assad’s actions. Or maybe he thinks Assad isn’t “tough” enough. Nah, he said things are “reassuring.” Guess he means that Assad is in no danger of being overthrown. Too bad.

If a monstrous thug like al-Dabi is reassured, then I’m not.

The residents of Homs are being murdered, and indeed endangering themselves just by trying to contact the AL “Observers.” Thus this cruel hoax is getting more Syrians murdered, by luring them in their desperation to approach the Arab League’s hack apparatchiks. Would have been better if those assholes never came.
One torture victim who had his fingernails pulled out, an activist in Homs, told the BBC [12/29/11] that the regime changes names of neighborhoods in Homs to say to the “observers” “See? Everything is calm here.” Irresponsibly, the BBC gave his name, which is like signing his death warrant. (He even told the BBC on air that if he’s arrested again, he’ll be killed.)

That 5 year old boy? A human rights group member said that the “observers” had no camera, not even a pen and paper to take notes. Pretty unconvincing show the Arab poohbahs are putting on. Guess they meant “observing” literally.
Sudanese General "Reassured" By What He Sees In Syria

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