Monday, December 5, 2011

Herman Cain, We Hardly Knew Ye!

Actually we got to know you all too well, you lying lout, inveterate self-aggrandizing hustler, and sleazy demagogue.

Cain, still playing the victim of outrageous slings and arrows, announced he’s “suspending” his Presidential campaign. (The reason for “suspending” instead of “ending” is so he can keep raking in bucks for the “campaign.” Always has his eye on the dollar, that old pizza magnate!)

In his standard bellow of braying bombast, he announced, in a tone of triumph [!] that, “As of today, with a lot of prayer [religion, the last refuge of American scoundrels] and soul-searching [did you find your soul, man?], I am suspending my presidential campaign.”

And here’s the reason:

“Because of the continued distractions, the continued hurt caused on [sic] me and my family, not because we are not fighters. Not because I’m not a fighter.” Because the boo-boo hurts too much.

To quote the Bard: Methinks thou doth protest too much.

Maybe Cain only “fights” when it doesn’t hurt?

Of course, he was self-conscious about looking like a punk, like a quitter. Big elephant in the room; if the
“accusations” (the media’s term) or “smears” (Cain’s version) are false, WHY DROP OUT? People making FALSE ACCUSATIONS  is reason enough to throw in the towel?

Actually it’s proof- as if any more is needed- that he indeed did harass/grope at least 3 women and conduct a 13 year affair with a fourth.

His dutiful wife lined up behind him at his announcement. Unlike with the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, there are no demands that she dump him, no tut-tutting about how can she stay with him, no critiques about Cain’s “character,” etc.

And once again, Cain got to dominate the top of page one of the New York Times; Sunday, no less (December 4). [But The Times, and the rest of the U.$ media, refuses to believe the multiple women; their subhead was “DOGGED BY ACCUSATIONS.” How about “Sexual Misbehavior Torpedoes Campaign”?]

Let’s take a brief stroll down memory lane with Herman Cain.  Just a month ago, at the beginning of November, when the third woman he harassed or molested became known, Cain grabbed the media spotlight claiming his rival Rick Perry was behind it all, “smearing” him. He succeeded for a day in changing the story from what it should have been- Cain a serial sexual miscreant- to “Cain Victim of Smear Campaign.”

Take a look at the New York Times (the conductor of the U.S. media, the place the other propagandists go to take their cues from- they even admit it, for example, TV yakkers tell interviewers they start their workday looking at the NYT) of November 3. The top of page 1 is dominated by a large photo (5 x 7.5 inch) of Cain. The headline: “CAIN SAYS PERRY IS ORCHESTRATING SMEAR CAMPAIGN.” Subhead, in smaller type: “ACCUSES AID OF LEAKS.” Sub-subhead: Denial by G.O.P. Rival – Third Harassment Case Is Reported.” The real news is relegated to third place. Cain’s deceptions, ruses, distractions, attempts to divert attention and paint himself as victim, is the Big Story.

How many lies and stories has Cain cycled through? It would take a long article to catalog them. Cain changes bullshit like shirts. He’s the Don King of politics, a jive-ass hustler who blusters and spouts whatever line he intuits will get him to his immediate goal.

Melded to this personality and existential strategy is the standard loathsome rightwing politics.
Soon he’ll be going back to a cozy perch in “talk” radio, a sinecure provided by the propaganda czars to any rightist demagogue who can string sentences together nonstop. Plus he’ll speecify for pay, a la Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, and the rest. The bucks wil convince him of his own meritoriousness, as money is the only measure of value in America.

Is America great or what? (What.)

Anyway, I’m rooting for Michele Bachmann for President. If she’s elected, she’ll finally close the U.S. embassy in Tehran, something that wimp-ass appeaser Obama refuses to do! Why does he love America’s enemies so much, anyway? Must be ‘cause he’s a Kenyan. (Hey, that’s no worse than Cain being clueless about Libya. Or Perry, whose grasp of the world doesn’t extend outside of Texas. And the voting age was lowered to 18 in the 1970s? Why didn’t anyone tell Governor Perry! He’s a professional politician, he should have been informed of this! Must have been some liberal conspiracy to keep him in the dark.)

That’s why the corporate media calls the GOP the “adults,” the serious party when it comes to foreign policy. And they’ve brainwashed the public into believing this.

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