Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Latest Fascist Terrorism

 In Florence, Italy, a rightwing racist (linked to a rightist group) attacked Senegalese street vendors, killing 2 and wounding 3, before killing the only person who deserved to die, himself. The BBC and the New York Times (cribbing from a wire service report in a brief item) both used the phrase “extreme right winger.” This lets them avoid the word “fascist.” Which is what “an extreme right winger is.” [Unfortunately that Norwegian fascist insect Brevik didn’t kill himself, so he’ll never get what he deserves for murdering 77 Norwegians to “save” Norway from Islamicization, or something or other.]       

None dare call it terrorism. That’s a word usually reserved for Muslims, leftists, environmentalists, and peace activists. [That’s not an exaggeration. The FBI and its subordinate political police forces label environmentalists and peace activists “terrorists.” Every now  and then that fact gets a media mention and is quickly swept back under the rug.] That’s because of the political biases of those in power, who control most of the media.

Speaking of terrorism, remember the 1980 Bologna railway station bombing that killed 85 people and wounded over 200? That was done by fascists in the Italian secret police who wanted to create a “strategy of tension” to justify a military coup. The CIA was deeply involved with those creeps. You don’t remember? (Did you ever even know about it?)

Or how about when CIA-sponsored Cuban exile terrorists bombed JFK airport? You probably don’t remember that either. Because the U.S. media never mentions these things.

Some leftist revolutionaries kill a cop or two robbing an armored car, and they never let it go. Or a guy in a wheelchair gets thrown off an ocean liner by Palestinians (Leon Klinghoffer- bet you remember the name!) and that’s a crime to live in infamy forever. (How many Americans can name a single one of the tens of thousands of Palestinians killed over the years by Israelis? Not that I’m defending throwing guys in wheelchairs into the ocean. Just saying, there’s a grotesque double standard for juiced up moral outrage in the U.S. and western media generally. Not to mention some very obvious ideological and political propaganda agendas. They want you to hate certain peoples, groups, nations, and support others, especially reactionary and fascist ones. Nice.)

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